
A regular russian trolleybus (electric bus, a really old and popular way of public transportation). A ticket is ~70 cents, fixed fare, accepts Apple Pay / Google pay / Samsung pay

  • 3
    We got them too, although here the driver has to check the tickets visually and a trip is $2.2. Needless to say about half of the regular travellers cheat.
  • 1
    Oh and cash only, of course.
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    I get the feeling that the reason nothing works here isn't communism but the general approach to duty.
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    @homo-lorens where exactly?
  • 2
    Hungary, Budapest
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    @homo-lorens you have communism? As far as I know you have some kind of right-wing government and that’s why your country survived all that refugee situation
  • 0
    We have (or had, they appear really worse nowadays) regular buses like this.
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    @kiki We have a party dressed in right wing colors that used to be lib left doing mock operations while distributing public property among themselves and the old communist elite who never really lost their power. Because of this, people often blame the communists for everything that's broken.
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    @homo-lorens Hungary, communist... Really?
    If that were the case, you wouldn't have a right-wing government, let alone a government.
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    @Berkmann18 I'm saying, we had communism until 1990 and the elite never really changed.
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    Obviously the "elite" aren't communist, but they used to be high ranking officials in the communist party so it's convenient to call them that, and to refer to the whole former system as communism.
  • 4
    @homo-lorens there never really was a nation which was able to establish a real, working communism. It’s always some weird kind of socialism mixed with wild underground capitalism and astonishingly high corruption
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    @kiki The utopian communism can only work if everyone in it have the same level of compassion as Jesus and if there is an unlimited abundance of resources for everyone. Even a child would know it's impossible.
    Ironically, communism began as an anti-religions cult (still is).
    Even more ironic, they got their way bc illuminati supported them. It's confirmed based on historical documents. Heard this from a real historian, not some conspiracy theorists.
    The elites never put their eggs in one basket (communist mafias investing in capitalist corporations, etc.). They make sure they are involved in various systems and are at the top of the food chain no matter what systems they are involved in. That's why they need an alliance and that's why their network is global. Moral is of no value for them. Greed is their weakness. In their head there is only calculations. Profits, loss and profits. That's why they can be buddy2, even with human and sx trafficking mafias.
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