my co-worker (data entry) doesn't know what an hdmi looks like... so she's brining in her laptop tomorrow for me to tell her which port is hdmi so she can hook it up to her tv at home

She's only in like her 40's so that seems kinda weird to me she doesn't know what an hdmi looks like I showed her the hdmi on my computer and she thought it was the 'jump drive' port

  • 1
    And then there's how an HDMI port looks like versus a DP one. Well, since D is rounder than H, the DP one has that tapered corner, but since nothing in IT actually makes sense, it's the other way around and HDMI has two of them.
  • 7
    How hard is it to look at a photo and compare it to the ports you have in front of you tho.. This is far beyond the computer illiteracy spectrum tbh
  • 4
    I worked with some chip designers who I'm 99% sure had no idea what their chips actually did in the grand scheme of things.

    I showed one of them how he could send silly pictures via SMS...

    But they were some amazing chip designers.
  • 6
    Maybe she's flirting? She sure has come up with a reason to see you in person. I'm 90% sure she damn well knows what an HDMI port looks like, and it's not that part she hopes is hard.
  • 8
    @orimligt If I mistook dumbness for flirting, I'd basically have to run around with my dick permanently hanging out of my zipper.
  • 0
    Looks at my wife..... hmm, I'm going with flirting, and a 1 night stand, and.... well it's been a very long night ok, feels like years!
  • 3
    I bet she didn't have this toy as a child https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/...
  • 0
    How is data entry still a job?
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