
When you copy a big answer from StackOverflow and it works perfectly, but then you feel bad for a split second that you just copied the whole thing and didn't do anything creative :(

  • 4
    At least you can say that my code is as good as Jon Skeet's
  • 1
    don't worry, the split second gets shorter with practice ... I think I still get the bad feeling but it's just too brief to reach my conscious mind
  • 9
    Just think you are using open source code :)
  • 3
    Remember, reuse is a core principle of software development. ;)
  • 0
    @jens-peter I understand the code of course. I wouldn't just blindly copy paste it. But still doesn't feel creative :P
  • 1
    This means you still have some morale left, isn't that good?
  • 1
    Is there truly nothing you can refactor for that snipplet to better solve your domain problem? I like to treat answers on stackoverflow as speeding up the coding process by giving me a good starting point. Also, it helps understanding what someone else was doing by debugging it. So the next time I know how to solve a similar problem by myself.
  • 0
    @k0pernikus Great mentality, keep it up sir!
  • 0
    If you upvoted the answer, you shouldn't feel bad about it ;)
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