Well I choose nodejs and typescript because it was quick and easy to get started and finish a project with but nobody seems to care about that decision. Still get asked to work on react every 11 seconds of my life 💁🏼‍♀️

  • 0
    Yeah, unfortunately that's what often happens if you have a big company behind a specific JS framework or library - people tend to use it (or ask you to use it) regardless of how good it actually is.
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    I don't see how using node and typescript conflicts with using react? Are you told to build webapps instead of CLI tools to solve the same problems?
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    @localpost exactly my point... they have no crossover. I have all this backend specific knowledge and I’m still asked to be a front end dev. Never mind aye :)
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    @Ikaroz yes and no. I can write up an interface setup or type setup before I start. That gives me a blueprint for relationships, Spurs new idea and generally gives me an idea of the requirements involved for completion. I can also save time by using strict typing reducing runtime errors, meaning more time spent coding than testing. That’s where the money is! But I get your point. It can be timely in places!
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    @bashleigh not at all my point, there's a lot of crossover. I'm using node modules and typescript all the time for building react apps. Node/TS doesn't necessarily imply backend development. I get your problem though.
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    @localpost oh yea they have crossovers! I mean I didn’t know what hooks were a month ago 😂 I was still writing classes with react! I’ve been specialising in micro service communication layers etc so AMQP, MQTT, TCP and the like but still get asked to build a react app. Although it doesn’t stop there! I’ve also been building native apps and plugins for flutter. As you do!
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    @bashleigh I see, I haven't really gone deeper into backend stuff than express servers and databases.
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