  • 2
    Well it didn't just install itself and solve all my problems so there is that ...
  • 2
    Does the world need yet another JS bundler ?
  • 0
    @ReverendLovejoy nope, thats why I wrote a bundler that does everything so the conversation about bundlers can be later forgotten l
  • 0
    But you know of webpack?
    Asking because the benchmarks don't include it and i guess - unverified information incoming - it's the most used bundler. And it's - personal opinion incoming - the only right bundler.

    EDIT: Lol it's in the tags. Alrighty then.
  • 1
    @nitwhiz yeah I know about webpack. And I know about a lot of other bundlers too, and I just hate them all.

    And just for context, I'm a guy who hates javascript.

    But when I'm forced to use Javascript, I might as well use a bundler I like. And since there isn't any that I don't absolutely hate, then I thought "alright, guess I'll just make my own"
  • 8
    Mandatory XKCD reference.
  • 1
    @ReverendLovejoy call it YAJB then
  • 1
    Wouldn't it be easier to just ship a webpack.config.js with the settings you like once and for all instead of dropping a whole new bundler competing with the tens already out there?
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