I'm bored so let's take a vote!
Should I write an operating system, or should I write a game engine?
Or something else?

  • 11
    Best thing I heard was a game that is ruled by two AI "gods", one good and one evil. As you play the good AI helps the player via "miracles" and the evil one tries to kill the player with tougher and more outlandish enemies. The gods learn and level just like the player does. Goal is similar to nethack, get the McGuffin and get out.
  • 0
    @bkwilliams and what game is this?
  • 1
    @soulevans07 we were shooting bull at lunch about hard things to do; this was one of them because if the AIs didn't balance out the good one would just place the goal at the start of the game and the bad one would just one shot the player. This way if the bad AI tried to send Tiamat to a level 1 player the good one would counter. Being AI they would learn how to counter each other. If they can control the physics, maps, layout, powers, it gets more crazy the longer you play.
  • 5
    @bkwilliams i am so stealing this idea
  • 4
    What about an operating system completely optimized for gaming? With built in features to run things lighting fast? And I DO know that SteamPS exists.
  • 0
    Make a game engine for your OS, I'm about to finish my first app then I'm gonna try to make a programming language.
  • 1
    Os first
  • 1
  • 0
    Game Engine cuz many of them suck
  • 1
    @bkwilliams: So this game is just an idea ? I would love to play it
  • 0
    @bkwilliams Somebody needs to make this idea of yours happen asap!
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    @nilmonster @thecritic I've got enough on my plate, so anyone can build it. Really when you break it down it's just an adventure game with two AI that have access to the level/game builder and can make changes on the fly, while you play.
  • 0
    @bkwilliams unfortunately in the same position. But I really love the idea...
  • 0
    Do not make a game engine. Make a game, then make another and refactor the common parts into a library.
  • 0
    @bkwilliams damn thats brilliant, let me know if that really does get made. Im not much into games but i would try that out. But as for starting off you could make the bad one 'think' as the player like a fly where it will just let the player beat themselves until they start getting better
  • 0
    Planning on doing second next year with two good friends.
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