
Holy crap, My first app has just been approved on the apple app store!!!

  • 0
    Congrats! What's it called?
  • 0
    Awesome... Name the app
  • 4
    @UnknownDev Are we really again going back to the argument closed moderated system vs open unmoderated system? Someone will soon yell about quality of product, another person about what is really a product (software/hardware/service or personal data). Every single rant about AppStore I see comments like this. Every. Single. One.
  • 4
    Congrats! I do wish there was more pomp and circumstance when you submit it though. The process to submit alone should be worth a confetti animation at least.
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  • 1
    Now that you're going to be rich, can I have a loan of 100₹?
  • 0
    how much virtual lube did you have to use to get that right?
  • 4
    Haha, thanks all. The App is called GymKey. Not only my work but am the only Dev in the team (got in some outside help to get the frontend done though.

    I agree there really should be confetti or somthing when it gets approved cause we went damn crazy before submitting trying to make triple sure that there were no bugs.

    Been grinning like an idot all day.
  • 1
    @ThatDevRC rounding 99 is 100
  • 1
    Congrats bud!!
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