
Fuck JavaScript

  • 1
    Very informative.
  • 2
    Please explain why.
  • 4
    Fuck, here we go again 😆
  • 0
    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 Dude thats a lot of explanation
  • 4
    @Ldev can you write some of it down in the comments
  • 5
    again 😏😄
  • 3
    Take it to dinner first, yikes.
  • 1
    Fine, too tired to argue
  • 0
    There is nothing wrong with the water if fish doesn't know to swim..
  • 1
    this doesn't have a rule34 tag...
  • 0
    JavaScript could be so a damn good language. It has prototype-based OOP and first class functions.

    Just remove the quirks, make it a statically typed with type inference, make it compiled (so most bugs become compile time errors), add a more advanced type system, add tail recursion, add some syntactic suggar for call chains (monads as a superclass of that would be nice too), add some syntactic sugar for curying (partial application)...

    Well, lets just replace JavaScript with OCaml...
  • 0
    Stop fucking JavaScript! We don't one another JavaScript librariesto born in the Devs world.

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