
We have “adopted” Agile as our development process. Now I will be honest that I don’t know everything about Agile because I am very new to developing things in a professional setting. But the person who has been the advocate of Agile always starts his sentences with: “Whatever I have read about Agile..”

You can understand why I don’t get a good feeling/confidence regarding this adoption strategy. Things haven’t changed, just the presence of words like “DevOps”, “Agile”, etc has increased in the morning meetings.

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    I don’t even know whether I want things to change or not. Just going with the flow because I seriously don’t have enough experience to provide inputs. Time will tell..
  • 6
    Hahaha. Oh boy.

    Agile is terrible. I've never heard of it working, let alone been on a team that uses it effectively.

    Good luck.
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    We use it, it.... well.... we don't really do it anymore 😅

    To much time spent in meetings, even more time spent organising a backlog of work with more meetings, now a days it's more informal again and the backlog gets sorted based on urgency of known prod issues or anything we can pick up while working on the next change.

    Like refactoring a function and adding logic that's needed in that function anyway.

    But hey, good luck!

    I'd go find a Project Management book on agile and at-least have an understanding of what it is you're getting into like https://amazon.com/Agile-Project-Ma...

    Mind you, "agile" is supposed to be flexible and scrum / sprints don't work for every team or project.
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    There is no one ”agile”. Whoever thinks so is headed the wrong way fast. The whole point of agile methodologies is to be, well, agile. Make them suit the needs of projects and teams they affect and it’ll work wonders for efficiency.

    We use agile at my workplace, but there’s no resemblance of scrum anywhere nor standups and shit. Kanban boards, yes, but otherwise how we go about it is product team specific. The other team works in minor version ”sprints” - which are as long as they need to be to get everything marked for that version done, our team... well, we just get shit done and release when we deem it appropriate.
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    @junon The main reason why it doesn't work is because there's at least one blocker who isn't agile, usually the customers.

    They want agile throughout the project with all flexibility BUT also want the pre-defined scope to be delivered at the pre-defined date, and that's where ends won't meet. That's basically abusing agile as pretext for scope creep.

    The idea that needs to sink in with customers is that agile will give them only 50% of what they really need by the delivery - as opposed to delivering 100% of what would be actually useless to them, as they would find out by then, and only then they'd start to redefine the requirements.
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    I found that usually only works when *everyone* involved understand what the Agile methodology actually is and how it works.
    And I second what @Fast-Nop said on the fact that customers are usually the problem, especially those who've only operated in the following ways:
    - PRINCE2,
    - Waterfall model (with Prototyping),
    - V model,
    - Prototyping model,
    - Operational specification model (although I've seen that used much less)

    That also depends on the *flavour* of Agile, if it's XP, Scrum, Kanban or a mix of them.
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    > BUT also want the pre-defined scope to be delivered at the pre-defined date

    This is EXACTLY the problem.
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    @IHateForALiving aren’t you on a wrong thread?
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    Isn't that a thing like SCRUM?
    Dunno if it's wrong, my teacher told us SCRUM is agile development.
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    @100110111 yes I fucking am, thanks for noticing. Nice rant though.
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