Just found someone's made a YouTube series of tutorials for my software! My lack of motivation just disappeared 😁

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    @Jamoyjamie, mind sharing a link to the tutorials?
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    @TktStatusPICNIC I wish! The series uses one of my plugins from the asset store ☺
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    @TktStatusPICNIC DarkRift Networking ☺ the original one was some of the worst code I've ever written since it was before I really understood good coding standards so I'm rewriting it. I think the rewrite is some of the best code I've ever written though but amongst work, that and maintaining the old version it's quite tiring and easy to get distracted by Overwatch... 😛
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    @TktStatusPICNIC well some of the code's open source for the new version (check out Hazel networking on GitHub) but if you're a half decent C# programmer I'd be happy if you want to help on the main project!
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    @TktStatusPICNIC having said that a lot of the code's already finished now, it's mainly docs 😛
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    @TktStatusPICNIC Ping an email to jamie@darkriftnetworking.com if you want!

    Not done much F#, always looks really nice syntax and I love functional programming and .NET in general!
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