
Am I the only one that comes to the sad realization that if I wanna have a happy and healthy lifestyle I have to sleep a lot and avoid caffeine and do exercise on a daily basis and, on the other hand, if I wanna do all the things I'd like to do concerning software development (and hold a regular job) I have to sacrifice sleep, exercise and switch water to coffee?

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    When a job have you sacrifice sleep on a regular basis, that's not a "regular" job, that's a goddamn shitty job. You don't have to stop drinking coffee altogether, and if you don't want to exercise that's ok, but personally I like to do it a few times a week or else I feel like shit for sitting all day long.
    Apologies if this sounds harsh, but I see a lot of those whinie rants, when all of this decisions lie in your hands. Crying about it, or ranting that you hate your fucking job won't make you find a new one. It's on you, stop outsourcing your responsibilities!
    Have a nice week and good luck.
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    7 hours sleep, regular coffee and tea drinker, relatively healthy diet, weight train 4 days a week. It's doable if scheduled right, the biggest PITA is not eating yummy pizza every day.

    Don't spend all day coding and learning without 1 hour of exercise and some healthy food, your brain tissue will thank you and have better thinking.
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    @mrbongiolo don't worry about seeming harsh, we're here for social networking in the end ๐Ÿ˜.
    That said, I never said that my job sucks my life and deprives me of sleep, what I meant is that if I want to do something else AFTER my regular office hours, and do other daily things, such as spending time with gf/friends, watching a tv show, playing an instrument, going to run, playing a videogame or reading, I end up realizing that the remaining time is very little unless I decide to sleep like 5h at night and use the late hours to read and study all the awesome things I'd like to know (which again, aren't related necessarily to my daily job).
    I actually love my job and I feel very lucky for that...

    On a different note, it's gonna be quite easy to find rants on devRant ๐Ÿ˜…isn't this the place where people comes to rant and whine? I'm new to the platform, maybe I'm wrong.

    Have a great week as well and thanks for the opinions anyway, at least you remind me to do more and rant less ๐Ÿ˜‰
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    @Wallpaper I'd be glad to have hints and suggestions with your routines/time management techniques
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    @mush Sure. I have an 8-5, I do this routine 4-5 days a week.

    In my downtime, I read non-tech books to refresh my mind a bit. I work out around 9pm when I've done everything for the day. Some people get up early to exercise, try both to see which you enjoy. I do sprints twice a week for 10-15 mins, this forces me to not stay up late as it's a huge drain on carbohydrates. My normal lifting routine involves staying in the 8-10 rep range, with the last set of each exercise be "reps to failure", and one week a month I perform high rep (14-16) exercises using less weight to ensure all muscle types get exposure. My sets are 4-5 for each exercise.

    The last year I have put on enough muscle for a "farmer tan beach body", this is due to drinking a gallon of water daily, and ensuring workouts are challenging and executed correctly.

    Also, cold showers are the best. There are many benefits to them, such as improving the cardiovascular system and testosterone increase.
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    @mush Time management wise, our work is demanding and I'm not sure of your work load. I have 101 house projects to do, but I focus on no more than 2 per month. Having a GF also complicates finishing these!

    Work wise, that's easily the most difficult for me, I plan no more than 2 weeks in advance and give myself some leeway in everything I do. Some days I get in very early to knock out multiple tasks and get ahead, it's a pain but it really opens up my schedule.

    I also complete projects, and don't tell people for a few days :) This sounds wrong, but it prevents additional work from overwhelming my already-full plate and allows me to focus on other tasks.
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    @Wallpaper ahahahah, the project trick is pure evil ๐Ÿ˜.
    One last thing, out of personal interest, since I'm trying to stick to a more or less similar schedule: if you don't manage to complete your tasks on a day, how quickly do you reschedule and (dead serious on that) how bad/demotivated do you feel about it?
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    @mush The "silent completion" trick no one notices as I am able to produce more results, as long as I keep that up no one should notice or care as they get what they want ๐Ÿ˜€

    For not accomplishing tasks, no biggie. I do the most important ones first, so if I can't get to the others it's not as big of a big deal. I really don't reschedule them, I get around to them after I complete a higher priority task. Serious body builders don't care if they don't always meet their goal one-rep lifting weight as long as they've made progress towards it, they still have enormous muscles and continue working towards it. Try looking at it that way. ๐Ÿ“ˆ
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    Yes. Speaking from experience.
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    @mush No problem man, I guess it was the way you wrote your rant, it seemed like the dev stuff was taking all your time.
    Nice to hear that you're getting things done, and tbh we can't always do everything we want/like, in the end we have to prioritize :|
    I have some on going home projects and stuff that I couldn't finish yet, someday, maybe hahaha. At least I'm lucky to work remotely from home, so it's easier to schedule my day, saying that I did had to gave up better opportunities (money wise) because they required to be in office.
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