I am just a relatively newbie at devRant, but if I see something like in the picture I feel like devRant needs a feature to subscribe/unsubscribe to an rant without commenting.

(Don't know if this has already been discussed here)

  • 0
    @DevotedSniper Sorry, how I do this?
  • 0
    @DevotedSniper Oh, I see. Seems like some people (including me) didn't noticed this small button there :/
  • 8
    Favoriting is good but it won't get you notifications for new comments.

    We have this on our list of things we want to add, but it isn't super-high priority since the simple workaround is just adding a comment.
  • 1
    Fun to see an image of my first rant. And agreed it would be nice to have such a feature.
  • 1
    We need a bigger icon then...
  • 0
    I knew about the favorite button. I just forgot to use it. 😂
  • 2
    and you must join the dark side. 😈
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