
I wanna start learning mob app development. Which should i choose amongst these and why?
1) React Native
2) Ionic
3) ios native app development.

At the end my focus is to earn more from which ever the tech stack i choose.

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    @Artemix Swift or Objective C? Have you ever tried React yet? 🙂
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    @Artemix Oops 😬
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    Consider your requirements and the platform you are developing for. If cross platform and requirements that do not need native you may want to consider a cross platform tool.
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    @Jumpshot44 there aren't any requirements yet. I just wanna learn which's cooler amongst these and can be more beneficial in future for me?
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    Native is life. Come to the bright side of mobile development
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    @harambae Ionic 2 is just an HTML page that /looks/ native because of styling and can interact with native features using Cordova plugins.

    That said, I'm using it now so that my web and mobile apps share most of the same codebase and general design. I like it.
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    I've also done native iOS, learned objective c first and then Swift when it came out; both were weird to learn at first but are really powerful when you get used to them.

    iOS apps are where the money is, but like @Artemix said, the licensing sucks, Xcode is a bear, and Apple makes the whole distribution process needlessly complex and finicky.
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    Swift is a very cool language, once you get used to it. But the magic happens when you start using functional reactive programming on Swift. Its really awesome...
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    I literally started on ionic last night. Mean stack is my bae so i had to deal with installing java and whatnot. Got irritated bc i couldnt figure out how to install sdk 24 (twas past midnight and i had only slept 2 hours the night before forgive me)
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    How about Xamarin? You can easily make cross platform mobile apps
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    I like Cordova
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    React Native + Exponent
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    @talha React Native enables you to build apps using modular components in a beautiful, functional manner. Exponents puts a powerful set of dev tools at your disposal.
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    Xamarin. Write once, use everywhere. Seriously, the best approach. You write native app with native performance and with native, platform specific UI, you have the best programming language (C#), you can access full API of all largest OS (Windows 10, iOS and Android) and you can fully reuse about 80 % of code if you design the architecture well.
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    @MartinZikmund "best" is highly subjective. While it's probably better than Java in some aspects (number of features), I heard many times that it has become very complex and confusing. I know a friend from university who wasn't speaking too fondly of Xamarin (according to him it looked great on paper, but when they started using it they encountered tons of platform-dependent bugs). I believe there are better alternatives. For example for game development can be used libGDX with Scala and can be compiled to run on Windows, Linux, Android and iOS.
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    I just finished my bachelor thesis on kinda this subject. My point of view. If you want to learn mobile app development, start off with native in iOS, java and c# for uwp. If you dislike swift my best guess is that you haven't used it extensively yet. It's an awesome language that is being developed so fast and with so much progress in only 3 years (almost).

    If you can build native apps, you have a way better understanding of how everything works, after that you can try out cross platform. Either way don't stick with one framework, you might end up not using the right one for the requirements. React native is better for bigger apps that might need a lot of UI pages and more native stuff. Ionic is better for lightweight apps that don't need to much stuff to do except get some data off a server and show it. I've used both frameworks myself and I love both. But I'd rather choose one over the other for certain projects.

    Hope this helps
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    @MartinZikmund Xamarin is awesome, but the performance is still a bit worse for heavier tasks in comparison to native using e.g. Swift. Although it is a really good one for cross platform
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    @skankhunt42 thanks dude! 😊
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