
That’s brilliant

  • 1
    Doesn't the phrase:

    "Elon Musk went to Texas"

    sound like some sort of proverb?
  • 6
    Why y’all hate Elon so much?
  • 2
    For anyone wondering what's the original company
    It's Enron
  • 2

    Because people act like religious People around him
  • 2
    @Linux Sounds like you should hate them, not him.
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    @Root he may be a genius, but he’s also transphobic and kinda an asshole
  • 5
    @10Dev HAhahahahahahahaha

    No he's not.
  • 0
    If you made to print this, remeber the CMYK and RGB colors 😊🙏
  • 2
    @10Dev he's not a genius.. he's just rich
  • 2
    @Root there are many threads on reddit explaining how not only he has a terrible personality, he's also full of himself, treats others poorly (especially his workers) and isn't that smart how everyone imagined. Just look it up, because I can't post links here
  • 4
    @mallard Reddit is not a reliable source.
  • 0
    @Root people summarize things with sources on reddit. It takes a few minutes to find a bunch of posts about why people don't like him with very good reasons
  • 3
    @mallard I see reddit as more (and worse) fiction than /b/, honestly. Much of it is an echo chamber, with sources to match.

    I’m not interested in delving in and trying to verify things.

    Why? People seem to hate rich and/or successful people for no other reason than they’re rich or successful. After deciding/realizing that, they’ll find or invent reasons, and post exposés about it to get others riled up. That’s kinda the new norm, honestly.

    And anyone that doesn’t agree is an “apologist” or a horrible person for some other reason, real or imagined. Trying to find rationality in such a situation is useless. And that’s exactly what I expect from reddit, twitter, facebook, etc.

    It’s madness.

    Unless I see a clip of him being a horrible person, I’m going to assume he has opinions and occasionally forgets to keep them to himself. Kind of like most others. Or that he gets angry at stupid and/or incompetent people — which is pretty much my norm, too. Definitely that last one.
  • 0
    @Root that's just turning a blind eye and ignoring what's out there. I mean, it's your choice, but you look funny defending him. There are plenty rich and good(ish) people, but definitely not him
  • 3
    @mallard I haven’t said a word in defense of him, or against him. (Are you calling me an apologist? 😉)

    To your other contention: I chose not to read sites with a high concentration of misinformation. I find that rational rather than avoidant.
  • 0
    @Root my point is that you are refusing to look it up. I cannot link you anything on this site, so the only way for you to find proof is to look yourself. You're clearly defending him.
  • 3
    @mallard You’re clearly misreading my comments and intent.
  • 0
    @Root you seem to not understand what I'm saying either.
  • 3
    @mallard “Elon bad.” and “Reddit good.”

    Got that.

    I’m arguing against the latter. The two are unrelated.
  • 1
    @Root I'm telling you that I cannot link any sources on this app and saying to look it up yourself. I haven't mentioned reddit in several comments now because yes, it can have some wrong information, but not only reddit has proof of Elon being a total ahole and just simply a bad person. And you still refuse to look up. Even his Twitter can be enough.
  • 2
    @mallard To be honest, I’m deferring because it’s 3:42am here and I’m bloody tired.
  • 3
    I second @Root. I deleted all of my reddit stuff for this reason and haven't gone back. It's a hive mind.
  • 2
    I thought it was a reference to E-corp (mr robot) 😃
  • 3
    @mallard Why do your comments give me the feeling that you're part of the 5G conspiracy gang?
  • 1
    @Root do you have tg?
  • 1
    @junon tg?
  • 1
  • 1
    @Root D: wish devrant had a PM feature.
  • 2
    @junon Edited!
  • 0
  • 2
    @junon Responded ~
  • 0

    I hate them too, and Elon because he knows that people believe him
  • 3
    I find Elon to be an inspiration and heard him talk on various topics and shows. I think he is smart, only human, and overall a force for good in the world. I dont understand the hate he gets either.

    I think @Root is right to point out its mostly envy.
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