
Hey guys I'm new here. What do y'all do here?

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    Hey welcome to devRant! It's basically a place to rant about anything relating to being a dev! Say you're having a problem with a app you are working on and spend two hours trying to figure out what's wrong and finally figure out that it's all because of a misspelled word or something, that's where devRant comes in handy where you can come get shit off your chest.

    It's kind of therapeutic lmao. Oh if you want to post something that isn't a rant just put !rant before it.
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    @httpjordd lmao sweet. It sounds like I'll blend right in.
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    @ludwig gets kind of addictive lmao
  • 2
    We dev. We rant. It's as simple as that.

    Welcome to devRant. 😉
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    bitch about almost everything related to development :D
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    @orkhanfarmanli sounds like a pretty nice place to vent out the immense stress related to the job 😂
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    It really is :D
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    We heal. Together.
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    Better not ask, you're welcome!
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