
for(int a = 0; a < b; a++){

//1k line of code using badly named variable

  • 1
    It's too easy just to go with bad short names when you are in the coding zone (cue tom cruise) to stop and think of good name for me it usually goes like "i'll change these later".
  • 0
    I agree and I would love to tell that to the author if I ever find him
  • 1
    Better use ++a to prevent a copy.
  • 1
    Look even if you do decide to use a single letter as a variable name, hou could atleast select that entire block of code once you're done coding it ans replace all instances of that letter with a more meaningful name. It takes literally 7 seconds.
  • 0
    @Jase and obviously you would search for " b " or "a.", for example. So as to only replace the correct ones.
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