
Client hasn't paid since April last year. Now wants to engage another company to maintain my site. Kill switch?

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    Do you have a contract in place?
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    @nblackburn If he doesn't, no reason to assume payment...
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    @ghost1227 That's rather the point and a common mistake
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    If he hasn't paid, he doesn't own it. Give him 14days to pay in full (in writing) stating you will take the site down after this point.
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    Why haven't you shut down the website already? Or at least and ultimatum?
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    If they don't own it yet, charge rent from April plus outstanding fer
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    @Ashkan broken link
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    Nuke that shit harder than Fallout 4
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    @DeveloperACE @DeveloperACE the link doesn't work when copied. Go to the profile and it's the first repo https://github.com/andreapaiola
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    Simple. Wants the site, but doesn't want to pay.
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    Don't take down the site. That will only anger your client and lowering your chances of getting paid.

    If he has admin access, change all the passwords so he can't "steal" the site.

    As @helloworld has stated write him an email giving him a couple of weeks to make the payment (14 is nice) or you will have to take down the site claiming that you are not willing to continue paying for the webhosting.

    Your client will probably want to negotiate a lower price than the full price. It is a good idea that you negotiate an amount of money that can cover your expenses.

    I've been in the same situation and it's kinda hard to get paid, but if your client wants the site you'll get an understanding.
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    Do you own the domain? If you don't, you're fucked.
    There's a saying: do your work for the right price or for free, never cheap. Charge what you deserve or delete the website at all and move on. Don't waste your energy fighting with the """ client"""
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    @Letmecode Its still mine since I haven't handed over officially
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