I get "bullied" for not drinking coffee!
Any other tea drinkers here???

  • 11
    Lots of tea. Sometimes I get hot chocolate from the coffee machine to fool the coffee drinkers.
  • 2
    I drink tea in the morning and the rest of the day just water
  • 2
    Of course, have you heard of Nestea?
  • 19
    As long as it's full of caffeine. I tried tea mixed with coffee once, it tasted like php
  • 2
    Always tea :)

    2-4 cups a day at least.

    And thats big cups, 4dl+
  • 1
    <3 tea
  • 1
    Coffee, herbal teas, and hot chocolate. Not proper tea for me, I'm allergic to Camellia Sinensis.
  • 2
    Tea drinkers uniiiiiiitttte!!! :D
  • 1
    Me! How does Oprah Chai taste?
  • 2
    Does yerba mate count as tea?
  • 1
    Of course. Lot's of green and black teas for me and mate.
  • 6
    Nice try England.
  • 3
    Tea & Cofee dual drinker here!
  • 2
    I like coffee, but also tea, drink a lot of them.
  • 2
    Earl Grey or bust
  • 2
    I drink the Republic of Tea branded tea quite often. I love it
  • 1
    I'm just about to get started in the Tea world. Any recommendations?

    Coffee for me it's fine BUT I don't like to drink it often, hahaha.
  • 3
    @apex I do Earl grey (extra bergamot), hot, with some honey. Has been shown to have aroma therapy effects and I can believe that.
  • 1
    Coffee has feelings too! :C (JK I'm just not a tea person, and I'm sticking to water to lose weight)
  • 2
    Yeah, tea is fine but... Coffee is LIFE. Coffee is the magic potion that makes me come back from the world of the undead every morning
  • 3
    @apex earl grey or ceylon - or white tea
  • 1
    Tea > Coffee 🙌
    (and that Oprah Chai is very good too)
  • 5
    I'm a tea drinker. Every hour on the hour, all day long. I'm passionate about tea the way some people are about coffee. Don't get me wrong,I enjoy a coffee now and again - but why drink coffee when I could be drinking tea? And yes - I'm English...
  • 2
    I love coffee, but I start every morning with a nice and hot Earl Grey with a spot of milk :)
  • 2
    Yerba mate only
  • 1
    +1 for blueberry.
  • 1
    Oprah chai tea 😂😂😂
  • 4
    Once worked a sales job where co-worker saw me drinking tea instead of coffee and asked me in all seriousness "How's your vagina juice?" I didn't stay at that job long.
  • 0
    @OOPMichael Awesome. Especially when you have a cold!
  • 0
    @rangerus46 Not sure what Yerba is but mate, I say it's a tea even though not technically so 😎
  • 0
    My senior drinks a LOT of tea.
  • 1
    No mostly coffee. I heard somebody say that tea is coffee for gay people =P
  • 2
    @dance2die, mate as a drink is a "yerba mate" infusion. Yerba mate is the name of the tree :)
  • 0
    i am addicted to coffee, but when i drink tea, i usually put a bit of whisky on it! It helps me to concentrate!! xD
    Here's my 2 cents!
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    @aronnebrivio SUBSCRIBE!!!
  • 1
    Kenyan tea for me
  • 2
    Lazyness is the mother of all inventions.. https://github.com/achilikin/cdtea
    This really confirms it.
  • 1
    Oh yes. Big tea drinker. Used to work at a tea store when I was younger.... Got an ungodly 60% off on premium loose leaf tea.... $250 worth of tea for $110... Got me a couple Kilos, drank it in a few months. Money well spent
  • 0
    Earl Grey, hot.
  • 0
    Coffee makes me sleepy 😹
  • 0
    I love my spicy chai
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