What is the coolest language for beginner of web developer?

  • 3
    I started with C++ as a first language. It was hard to grasp all the concept, but now i have a solid base to lean on.

    If i were to re-learn programming today, I would start off with c#/java probably. It is well documented and has a good learning curve.

    Other might tell python, but i find the class system to be a bit awkward. It is good, but I don't think it is the best way to learn good OOP basics.
  • 1
    Php is good, if you want quick results, as it is one of the easiest languages to start with. I wouldn't use it, if you want to learn solid principles and good coding style, as there are many flaws to it, you have to know about. Otherwise you will make mistakes.
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    Ruby is pretty damn cool
  • 3
    Web developer? I'm not sure how "beginner" you are, but if you haven't already, HTML is a must. JavaScript is probably your next best language. Then i'd go into python or Php. Probably thr latter as it is more suited towards web dev. (Python is more fun imo)
  • 1
    Definitely NOT PHP
  • 0
    The basics you should know are obviously HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for front-end and then you can go for either js, ruby or python
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