
When you want to order a big mac and windows restart...

  • 1
    Ouch! I hope you are not too hungry. 🍔🍔🍔
  • 8
    obviously, Windows would rather die than give u a big Mac
  • 6
    big MAC huh?
  • 1
    Windows XP ❤️we love you
  • 0
    Some poor fry cook back there is great with computers and gets stuck fixing these machines.

    ...and he uses XP regularly so I don't want him touching my food
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  • 1
    You are ungrateful, windows is helping your diet
  • 0
    @altermind you're right, thank you windows for doing what you're the best... crash 😁
  • 0
    I misread this and thought the machine was a big "Mac"intosh which for some ungodly reason was running Windows XP
  • 0
    on top of it: all burgers have been encrypted!
    Now you have to pay double to get them back
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