
For those who have seen "Mr Robot" (if not just GO), we agree, terminals contents are just amazing ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Best TV show of all time ♥๏ธ

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    @thmnmlst Ah ah :D
    It hurts, but I often force myself to have a quota to avoid that kind of thing !
    Yeah, Silicon Valley is cool (not as much as Mr Robot), even more when working in a startup
    Now, I have unfortunately no recommendations for you :(
    Hope that other great things happen !
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    I really like the fact that they took the time to make it all real. The attacks are real, the terminals they show are real, they people feel real...

    I hate it when I see movies or videogames (looking at you Watchdogs) exaggerating the capabilities of a computer, showing impossible stuff and making hackers look like gods. It's so refreshing to find a realistic plot where you can't see any holes, at least at the technincal level
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    Started "Halt and Catch Fire" ๐Ÿ˜€
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    I also like debugging of sherlock and optimisation of limitless, but i definitely love Mr Robot... Every time it finishes in a way so you are pissed of cause you have to wait for enother episodes to get answers for the questions raised in the present episode.
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    @AbhijithM Yeah, I forgot that show ! It's cool, but I stopped before the season 3 ending... don't know why...
    You should try, @thmnmlst
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    @ocab19 I totally agree, I am always dismayed about the abuse of the computer science into movies or media
    In addition, it is impossible to explain to other "muggles" who do not understand (or do not care, sometimes)
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    @sam0 Totaly, it is amazing when there is two "readings" : the regular people one, and the "dev" one :D
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    S1 was good, S2 its too trippy for me xD
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    You should see Who am I. It's a german movie.
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    Or go watch Numb3rs. This description of IRC made me the hacker I am today.

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    @thmnmlst now watch BULL season
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    @klemenkeko I don't think it's going to stop :D
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    @klemenkeko & @juzles : OK, thank you guy, I look at it as soon as I can ;)
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