
Y'all need to chill!

**DO NOT** downvote a newbie's post without telling them why. It may sound like a spam to you, but it's someone's best effort at an icebreaker joke. 😠

  • 15
    Did you forget where we are again?
  • 2
    @C0D4 I haven't. But rage towards newbies just makes a dying community. Like, put your rage back in your rage box and use it for ranting instead of harassing newbies. 😛
  • 0
    @F1973 sure, but post that instead of downdoot. Anything but downdoot to oblivion.
    Like, the fascistic approach of downdooting a green doot who isn't even spamming, is just unacceptable. (Tho, there are sometimes spammers that better be downdooted to oblivion from start. So we can't make this automatic rather we better make it an attitude in the community.)
  • 6
    @NoMad I'm not a fan of downdooting unless it's the "I don't know how to make a random number generator for my homework" or just another meme account - we have more then enough of those around.
  • 4
    You lost me at "fascistic". Go back to twitter if you want to suck off eggs.
  • 1
    @C0D4 I agree with that, that's also spamming.
  • 2
    @NoMad I'm not German, I just live here, and your comment is incredibly ill-mannered, moronic and insulting.

    Fuck you.

    EDIT: He deleted it. It was along the lines of "You Germans never learn [about fascism]." Again, fuck you.
  • 1
    @junon yes. I appologize to germans. I realized that after posting it. I do however live here and have been watching AFD and others and it has been unnerving. so again, I'm sorry if my comment offended any germans, I apologize and that was my bad.
  • 9
    @NoMad Yeah the nazis with their 6 million downvotes were pretty bad.
  • 1
    @NoMad Downvoting a newbie isn't in the same stratosphere as what AFD advocates for. I know you know this.

    Be better.
  • 0
    @junon I find it interesting tho, that you're not german yet got offended. Sorry, but you're a hypocrite.
  • -1
    @NoMad What the fuck does that mean? Can your small, smooth brain not understand self-education?

    Living here you learn about the Holocaust in ways you don't dream of in the US. You learn that, not because someone told you to, but because of the sheer heinousness of it all, that any sort of jokes about it are in bad taste, always.

    You, as someone who at least lives in Germany, should know this very well. How dare you call someone else a hypocrite when they exude better sensitivity than what even you virtue signal in your own post.

    Fuck you.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop again, sorry. I did not bring up nazis, but then again, I'm against all form of censorship. And that's the base of fascism; suppression of alternative ideas.
  • 0
    @junon you can't even fuck me in your dreams. Don't force it. 😛
  • 4
    @NoMad No prob, I'm not offended. But posting dumb memes outside the meme cat or requests for homework aren't exactly alternative ideas, it's just stupid shit that I downvote. However, usually with a comment.
  • 0
    @NoMad A rebuttle made only by those who exude incompetence and cowardice.

    I expected nothing less.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop sure, but do you even look at if they're newbies or not? My problem is that y'all are shooting them down without even looking at circumstances. I'm all for downdooting the spammers, just not for newbie's first post.
  • 2
    @NoMad Usually, it's by noobs, but I also downvote if it isn't. Those who stick around tend to learn, and those who are unable go away after the first bruising.
  • 2
    Ignoring the follow up discussion here, I agree with the post.
  • 0
    @Fast-Nop let's talk real example here.

    There are others, but this is the latest one I came across. Was it worth the downvote? It's his first post. It's not even mistagged!
  • 0
    About the edit above, that's wrong. For the sake of clarification, I said "I guess some germans never learn despite first hand experience". And again, I am sorry and it was a comment made in the heat of the moment and I did not mean that.
  • 2
    @NoMad I didn't even see it because I filter the joke/meme category anyway. If it had been tagged as rant, I would have seen it, but neither given ++ nor --.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop see? You're reasonable. You get a cookie. 🍪
  • 0
    @Jilano it's my cookie and I give it to whoever I want. 😝 #NoSexualInnuendo
  • 1
    The only downdoots I gave to green dots so far were for ++ whoring and reposts (which I also commented about) and racism, which I don't consider worthy of an explanation.
  • 1
    Yeah, I don't like the concept of downvotes for anything other than actual spam or something else that doesn't belong on the site.

    Let the newbies live and just inform them when they do something wrong. The ancient practice of "lurk more" doesn't seem to be applied anymore on the internet so I guess it's up to us to explain the issues explicitly rather than expect the new guys to learn on their own...

    This actually brings me back to the concept of pinned post about posting rules that someone brought up a couple of months ago. Would be nice if it was more explicitly stated "don't post the rant tag on anything but an actual rant"... or maybe the UI could be improved to make these mistakes less accidental...
  • 0
    @Frederick use it wisely young jedi 😛
  • 2
    Meh, I'm just jealous I'm unable to downvote.
  • 1
    Sure, however, there's an unusual amount of newbies who could be the same person (or 2).
    And if they landed here they most likely know what tags and categories are for and yet a handful of them don't get that (hopefully the one where I commented about that will learn from their mistake).
  • 0
    @NoMad That isn't what you said. Really wish devRant would show deleted comments now. It wasn't worded nearly as nicely as that. Completely different connotation.
  • 1
    @junon that is exactly what I said. I did also have to edit it again because I sent it half ass by accident and had to edit to complete it, so I know exactly what I wrote. (Meta talk: You'd think that'd give me enough time to think twice, but you'd be wrong!)

    Now, if you wanna gaslight or fight someone, go find someone else. Your comment where you insulted me might have been downvoted to oblivion, but I have not forgot what you wrote. Yes, I'm small-brained and dumb, so can you stop bothering me now?
  • 0
    @NoMad You're seriously trying to make me out to be the bad guy here? lol

    That's not what was said, verbatim. Don't lie. Feel free to summon the admins to pull the edit history - I don't mind. I wouldn't exactly call -1 "downvoted into oblivion".

    I'll call you a small, smooth brain again if I need to, downvote me all you want. This isn't a work account, I don't owe you anything.

    Disgusting you live in Germany and have the nerve to say shit like that. I'm not the hypocrite here.

    But please, tell me how I'm bullying you or being mean here. Never mind the literal genocide (holocaust), racism, and xenophobia (AFD) you're comparing "downdoots" to.

    I'll say it again - go back to twitter if you want to be an SJW about the poor ol' newbies on here getting their feelings hurt about being downvoted for posting low quality memes. Don't fucking insult the country you live in and the people you cohabit with to make a cheap point for some fake internet points.
  • 2
    ...Nope, he can't.
  • 2
    When two are quarreling, nobody guards the cookies. *grab a cookie and hide*
  • 1
    @Jilano TAKE HIM!!! (@Fast-Nop)
  • 1
    @NoMad *nom too nom late nom nom*
  • 4
    we should most definitely downvote them. if someone thinks the best way to introduce themselves to a community is to repost a meme here they've already seen on pinterest or reddit five times, then they should leave or change there ways. devRant isn't a file hosting platform for bad memes.

    and nomad you really gotta lay off the germans.
  • 0
    @calmyourtities specific reason you say that, or did you not read my apology?
  • 5
    @calmyourtities Yeah gotta be careful with Germans, like e.g. do you know how many Germans it takes to change a light bulb? One, because Germans are efficient and have no sense of humour. ^^
  • 1
    @calmyourtities also, I disagree. You're literally making people run away from us. Hell, even I'm thinking of leaving again cuz the community is becoming toxic and full of unpleasant people.
  • 1
    The weather here is the most humorous thing lately. (-1/-2 and no snow? The weather is broken!)
  • 2
    @NoMad Making complete idiots run away isn't the worst thing though, especially those lazy fuckheads who want others to do their trivial homework.

    Ideally, harsh feedback would make them run away even from the whole career so that they won't ever become my co-workers and expect me to do their job on top of mine while I still would only get my salary and not also theirs.
  • 3
    Imo you should be able to like or dislike anything you want to like or dislike. It's just life that not everyone likes or dislikes what you do. It's no big deal if you get dislikes, your life doesn't end there. Hiding disliked posts completely is the real problem.
  • 2
    @junon are you alien to the concept of realising what you said or did was wrong, reversing action, and apologising? Some people are able to take responsibility in their actions even when they were wrong. When that happens, you should consider forgiving (though not forgetting).
  • 1
    @Jilano Being slow may make you a good lover, but a bad cookie guard. ^^
  • 0
    Tbh I prefer it being a dying circlejerk rather than overly inclusive reddit alternative.

    Also did you just put downdoot as a tag? My fucking eyes!
  • 2
    @3rdWorldPoison you say that as if those are the only two possible (extreme) states. It's a continuum.
  • 0
    @RememberMe It's about getting the ball rolling. The extremes come with it.

    A pursuit for middle of the continuum, ironically, never leads to the middle.

    Plus ig the comment above was kinda hyperbole as well. The system that exists is already quite a fair balance.

    Empowering newcomers sounds like a value worth upholding (which it very well might be in moderation) but having a consistent feel to the platform is more beneficial to the newcomers, the existing community and the platform in the long run.
  • 0
    @NoMad I'm interested in this. Do you believe that all communities should be equally accepting?

    And if you do then:
    1) How do you prevent saturation of these communities that cause everything to the centre (mostly unoffending) state.

    2) What's the difference between these communities and what does a person do if he doesn't feel home in even one of these communities due to the said saturation.

    3) Who gets to decide these moderation rules. You can't say "everybody in the community comes together and..." because there are always opposing ideas and the stronger side gets to pick them.

    4) A very far fetched question, but what happens when the community inadvertently becomes an echo chamber and deters away people that would enjoy the restricted community.

    I held beliefs similar to yours a few years back. These have shifted hard towards the other side. I wonder if you can sway them back.
  • 0
    @3rdWorldPoison stuff you said is above my paygrade. But here's my motivation.

    Despite what my profile says, I've been here since 2017. (Had a problem with politics rule in this platform, so left for a while) and I have seen different generation of ranters come and go. It's not about not offending, it's about not being a dick. And I will leave again if this comes down to ppl just being dicks. But you have to voice your problem before leaving, otherwise there's really no chance of change. Like, live without regrets. Don't force ppl to do things, but tell them what you want. Do they disagree? Is it worth staying despite their disagreement? Is it worth the compromise? I guess that tells you a lot about how to proceed. And that's how I decide.
  • 0
    @NoMad Offending, not being a dick, shimmy my Jimmy, it's a whatever doesn't fit my pallette thing rn.

    I've been browsing new posts a lot lately. Found 2 instances of "downdooting" in 7 days.


    (The one link you gave to @Fast-Nop has 0 votes.)

    None of these rants are downvoted "into oblivion"

    It might be the case that sorting by recent works differently here on devRant. If it does forgive me.

    But I digress really.

    Maybe providing accurate instances of such behaviour will induce a change in the community if necessary. (The number of upvotes on rants posted above don't really bother me tbh)

    I could consider "stuff you said is above my paygrade" to be a bit of dick move, but I do concede it was a tad bit funny. But other people might have other opinions.

    Btw mad respect for sticking with the platform from 2017 ;)
  • 1
    @3rdWorldPoison none of the instances you mentioned are facing issues in their first rant. I also didn't say don't downvote, I said tell them why you're downvoting them. They can themselves choose to be offended or not.

    Also, I don't get what you're disagreeing with. Either way, I said my peace and don't care anymore.

    "I could consider "above my pay grade" to be a bit of a dick move" is what I consider as condescending, btw.
  • 0
    @NoMad Understandable.

    Never disagreed with you. Just trying to understand what you were trying to say. If there can be something done about situations like this.

    Hmmmm. Now that you say it, it sounded much more friendlier in my head :P
  • 2
    It seems as if @NoMad was only advocating for compassion towards newbies. I don't think that's a bad virtue to have to be honest. We are all intelligent and selfaware enough as a community to not fall into the trap of 'all inclusiveness'.

    Did I sum it up correctly?
  • 4
    @camel except for the intelligent and self aware part, pretty much yeah.
  • 0
    I was just browsing devRant after ages today and then I see a newbie post with offensive comments and asking them to giggle instead and then this post asking to chill.

    I remember devRant as being such a cool and welcoming community back in 2016-17 sometime and now it looks like stackoverflow is leaking onto here’s.. it’s sad really.
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