
Assigned to a new project team..

Using git, in a creative way. So.. "master" is "dev" branch, usually. Everyone can push their branch to dev server .. so it's "dynamic for us". Production branch is whatever, as long as the branch has the release version. Sometimes, the release comes from "master".. that mean "dev" in normal geek..

That's just Git. The source code is a saturated spagetti of Entity framework and Caliburn. It is littered with antipatterns, especially basebean. Holy Christmas and Easter that baseclass do a lot of stuff that has no place as a base class ..

Fucking frameworks, I'm gonna start to evangelize frameworks as the no1 antipattern.

MS SQL as the main DB, but is dumped to json FILES through a scheduled task to increase read performance on web.

There is a soap endpoint to expose the json files, fml..

I am assuming I was placed here to improve stuff, I have never in my life seen anything like this before.

There is a special place in hell for this repository

  • 15
    What man hath built man can destroy. Good luck.
  • 4
    I can imagine the temptation to gain admin rights and completely shut down the project, eliminating all trace that it ever existed.

    Unfortunately I can also imagine the consequences upon you for taking said action.

    Still, one can dream...
  • 1
    And here I thought untested 200k lines legacy zf2 project I inherited was bad...
  • 0
    Has anyone ever successfully refactored such a project?
  • 0
    @viking8 what's the first order of business to sort this mess out?
  • 2
    @kunashe good question! Apparently the first task is to understand how it got this way, and if there is a need for training on actual coding skills.

    I think a long, long period of Scrum has caused the chaos, a pure focus on delivering functionality and the system has been neglected and reaching a breaking point of technical and infrastructure debt.

    Introducing pattern, pointing out anti patterns and start writing tests would be next step. Proper use of frameworks and utilities, take more control rather than being controlled by libraries.

    I can't just uproot and change things without everyone onboard and understanding why.

    This will take some time. Depends if the customer is willing to pay or we have to take the hit for this one and add it to the lessons learned list.
  • 1
    @viking8 straightening out the is product is important work - I hope the customer backs you. It would be a shame if any more creative energy is neutralised by dodgy practice.
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