
Woke up this morning to a fucking giant snowstorm and my first reaction was 'fml' , poured some coffee , lit a smoke and started checking my work mail 'Issue xxxx response : Not solvable '...what the...I go through the files on my phone , look at what that issue was : lack of proper validation , filtering and encoding of input thus enabling xss . Not solvable my ass ...simply adding literally 3 more characters to that fucking retarded filter would stop all the bypasses . This issue is a showstopper for their project and that is what they answer ?
Sorry to indians out here but some of your colleagues are as stupid and unimaginative as they can possibly ever come .

  • 1
    That REALLY sounds like my morning...
  • 3
    You get what you paid for, this applies to almost anything in life
  • 0
    @jonnyserra I didn't pay for anything really , they just got shoved under my rug .
  • 6
    Feel you bro... I'm Indian and I can't get a decent candidate for interviews. Sometimes I think I'd need mental therapy for depression after an interview.
  • 0
    Error : No Error
  • 4
    An Indian contractor once put a try catch in our code. The exception he threw had the error message "This should never happen, if it does, gods help us"

    Eventually it happened. Gods didn't help us. He didn't even have the courtesy to wrap the exception he was catching...so instead of getting a stack trace, we got his useless babbling.

    How it got past code reviews...I have no idea.
  • 2
    You should not characterize people, I bet I can find 100 from the country you belong to, stupids and un educated are everywhere
  • 4
    @iCodeInCloud oh don't get me started on American devs. I have met plenty of terrible American devs. The only difference there is I don't have to struggle to understand their broken English and thick accents. I am not saying this offensively, I am just saying that I prefer working with people I can communicate with and not be misunderstood because of the language barrier.
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