
!Rant 😊

Any tips to find a good and catchy name for an app?

Thanks ^^

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    @h3ll That is one hell of a name 🙄
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    @pcarrara Is that a tip? 😂
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    "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT THIS APP CAN DO FOR YOU, CLICK HERE TO INSTALL AND FIND OUT!!!", should be catchy enough, idk about the length tough...
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    @VenomCLC Thanks, the length is pretty okay.
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    SEX.. Don't think any other name can be better / catchy.. 😝
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    I am a fan of using Greek Mythology to name my apps.
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    Two completely unrelated words mushed together.

    E.g. CottonGorrilla
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    @SirusAmory StringyMountainBike the worlds best social networking app.
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    @TheGeekyGuy I think those 69 points are well optimized for your comment 😜
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    what is the app all about?
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    Im sure there is an app name generator
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    @TheGeekyGuy You're welcome, mate 😂
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    @ac1235 A cashback app.
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    Random colour followed by random animal... always a winner
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    @Letmecode Amazing name. And the length is just fine.
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    I generally use a name that tries to submit my idea and the reasoning for my application. For example, I am currently reworking my self written music player (I hate iTunes, laggy as hell and so much unnecessary stuff in it) using electron and gave it the name "The Classic" because that is what it does, just being a minimal classic music player. No online store for buying songs books or movies. Just a player with a powerful search engine (based on "tags") allowing you to search everything (lyrics, composers, names, titles). It can be extended using plugins but ye. No one is using it so I just write those 2/3 plugins that I need and call it a day ;)
    For example casting to a chromecast...
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    Just take some Shakespeare
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    I'd use "Facebook" if it hasn't been taken.
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    Just take a word that describes you app, like 'crappy thing that no one will use and doesn't help anyone,' shorten it to 'crap' and see if it rhymes with something... like... 'app' or 'application' and then smash them together. 'Craplacation' should be perfect. Or take any word and remove the last vowel like 'crapper' and then make it 'crappr.' GOLD!
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    Bustaname.com. Also helpful for finding domains
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    Grunt Master 9000
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    @BassClefBuddha Nice! He did a pretty good job! Definitely due for an update though.
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    ScrubHub : dating app for losers
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    I think she will never ask for advice on devRant again...
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    When I need to find a name, I like to go to Google Translate, then type a list of words related to my project, then look for funny translations in "exotic" langages.
    Many of npm libs are named from Haitian Creole, which is a great, funny looking langage.
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    @VenomCLC I had a good laugh, I'll definitely try again sometime 😂
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    Take a few random consonants and fill them with some nice vowels. Voila! You can generate random consonants with randomly hacking on your keyboard and deleting every vowel (or just write a generator).

    hibivodogk is a random name I generated that way.

    You can also limit the sound of the name by limiting the consonants (and vowels) to specific ones only.
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    Take any short unrelated word ending with 'er' and remove the last 'e'.
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