I personally hate 360 videos. I mean, am I gonna watch this area? Am I gonna watch that area? What if I miss something from the other area?

  • 5
    Do you also need someone to tell you what to have for breakfast? ;)
  • 3
    I think 360° videos are great because they let me feel what it would really be like to be there
  • 8
    Use incompatible browser;) It looks awful at first, but you get used to it and see whole thing at once.
  • 7
    They are a gimmick, and hopefully will fade away into obscurity
  • 2
    Watch the 360 short Pearl. It makes uses of the freedom while guiding your eyes to what's important. And it's really good. It shows how 360/VR movies could be more than a gimmick, and could push the medium in a different direction.
  • 2
    @Mayhem93 That's what I hoped for 3D movies, but enough people are into it that it's here to stay :/
  • 1
    It's not because people are that into it, it's because the industry is too invested in it. Just check the 3D screens sales, it's interesting to see where the pressure comes from.
  • 2
    That's why FOMO is VR's worst enemy. Personally I love the grandiose experience enough to warrant dealing with that inevitable struggle.
  • 1
    We need 360 screens !! Duh
  • 0
    The New York Times has some great 360° videos on facebook latley.
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