One of many things my non-programmer friends needs to learn!

  • 1
    So true...
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    @uddinstock social media. Anonymous creator.
  • 3
    Coming from someone who actually likes and is interested in hardware. I find it kind of nice that people come to me instead of someone else. It makes me feel a little special. I don't really get why other devs are so irritated by this. Is it because other devs don't know hardware or aren't interested?
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    Fortunately I do both!
  • 2
    @Numinex well I like both too and also feel the same way mostly (mind you I'm only doing both non-professionally at the moment) but I pretty much always feel as if others mistake my software theory knowledge for hardware and computer repair knowledge so yeah...
  • 0
    Can you make a t-shirt of this?

    Asking for a friend.

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    I could repair computers before I could program.
  • 2
    @chilledfrogs Alright yeah, I can see your point there. Although for me it's pretty much the other way around since the only reason I like hardware is because I think it's very logical. And I'm only kind of half good at programming since it just doesn't make sense in my eyes, and everyone exptecs me to be super 2000% best at programming and asking me to do programming stuff.
  • 0
    I don't get the lol tag. This is not a joke. It's dead serious! 😉
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