Today I saw a stupid kid at a hardware Facebook group saying that the Core i7 is for laptop and the Core i5 is for desktop...and the worst part is that he thinks he's right. OMG what this kids have in their heads this days...

  • 17
    No wisdom?? They think they are CSientists..know all about ITiology just..because..they are useing computers and lapstops every day. ..therefore they are completley fluent speaking computerneese.
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    I'm from tech support and gonna save ur computer

    -kid: my computer doesnt have viruses

    -TS: runs tree, says: see, thats a wirus Scanner

    -Kid:but my free license of norton hasnt found anything, so its not legit

    -TS: installs avast, kaspersky, ms-security, says: now they all find something!

    -Kid: FUCK! I knew I should have put an i7 in my turret pc

    -TS: runs netstat: see, that Thats a hacker

    -Kid: let me mrowse to my doxtop to open my hacking scripts to hack him. (shows his skiddy scripts and performs a DoS attack on

    -TS: you lost connection to our teknishian, I'm <put any clishee english name>

    -Kid: *Whines* that hacker just hacked me!! Im gonna use the darknet to find out his ipv4!

    -TS: u can pay a one time fee to our program, which will protect u from hackers

    -Kid: if I had just put 64 gigs of ram into the pc, it wouldn't be DoS able! Poor me!

    -TS dies inside

    Ok, actually, I'm 13 myself, but not a SKiddy 😁
  • 5
    At least he calls them i7 and i5. I know someone who can't seem to get the order right, no matter how many times I correct him: he constantly says 7i or 5i. Sad thing is, he used to work in tech support.

    Perhaps I should have made this a full rant.....
  • 1
    Vet they have degree in "computering"
  • 1
    @linuxer4fun Haha
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