
Number zero rule of computer science: Don't calculate pi in binary

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    @DustInCompetent The library of Babel only contains lowercase letters, commas, spaces and periods, whereas pi in binary are made of ones and zeros which can contain any information possible
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    @Skepter it might, but does it? For all we know there's an infinite amount of 0's and 1's in binary pi, but no one knows if there actually is an ordered sequence of 0's and 1's such that if you take and try to use it will provide you with an OS... But it might ;)
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    @DustInCompetent Cool so someone build it from Borges short story.
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    @nocgod That's the fun part about infinite non-repeating numbers, it will always contain what you're looking for (unless what you're looking for is also infinite).

    But this might be hard to grasp, so imagine an infinite line of ones and zeros that is non-repeating (so no 101010...), and determine the bit sequence you're looking for. Now see if your sequence matches pi from the current position onwards, if it does, congrats, you found it. But if it doesn't, you can always move your sequence further down the line, since the line of digits is infinite.

    So, while it might seem counter-intuitive, any infinite and non-repeating list will always contain all possible finite sequences.
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    Off, have to calculate PI in binary
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    @jappe @hahaha123
    I know what we have to do.
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    Challenge accepted... see you on prison... if we survive...
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    Just because a number never repeats itself into all infinity, it does not follow that every possible number combination occurs. But it could be true that pi contains all finite sequences. In fact, mathematicians suspect that it is true, even though it has not been proven one way or the other.
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    @SZenC Conjecture - an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

    It is suspected that pi might be such a number, however the distance between suspicion and fact is called a proof, while such does not exist, let's treat suspicions as suspicions and fact as facts :)

    BTW I don't need to imagine. 4 years of BSc SE studies took my math imagination away...
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    @SZenC: take an infinite, non-repeating number and replace all 0s by 10 and all 1s by 110. The new number will itself be infinite and non-repeating, but will not contain the sequence 00.
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    Even if it in decimal, double value has byte limit, so PI has limit as well in programming
    That is seen when you try "sqrt(2) * sqrt(2)" the result != 2
    It does not matter whether you calculate in decimal or in binary, you have to create limit for both (for (10) when you declare, for (2) in process of finding)
    It's in my opinion as amateur, so tell me if I'm wrong)
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    But there's also a lot of positives. You will win infinitely many nobel prizes and with all that money you can hire some nice lawyers to help you out. You'll also own all the unclaimed bitcoins out there.
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