Why is python like Soviet Union?

  • 3
    Indeed, why?
  • 3
    The Soviet Union doesn't really exist anymore.
  • 5
    @SortOfTested If only that was the connection. 🙁
  • 5
    Elaborate, comrade!
  • 4
    Requesticus elaboratus maximus
  • 2
    I have never connected Python to the Soviet union in my whole life. I would never thing of those 2 subjects at the same time until you posted this rant
  • 2
    Because if you don’t like it its fans think you’re mentally disabled (and want to shoot you)
  • 2
    Because python’s typical dependency hell (especially with django) resembles the absolute mess of a regime apparatus in late Soviet Union
  • 2
    Because v2 and v3 resemble Lenin and Stalin
  • 3
    Because it started as a great idea to transform the whole world into a better place but ended up as a bloody mess really
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