Do you guys code on Sundays?

  • 8
    Work, no!
    Personal project, sometimes but usually not.
  • 1
    Only with my English breakfast
  • 2
    I am right now. But not work.
  • 0
    Throwing down a 16 today because I was a lazy PoS last week.
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    Maybe later today.
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    Developers in the middle east 🤔
  • 5
    Honestly on Sunday I do whatever fucking pleases me.
    Programming can be a part of it.
  • 2
    Rarely but when I do it's mostly personal projects. Sometimes I do some work stuff because either we really need to hit a deadline or I really like the project. Luckily the deadline bit almost never happens.
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    ya i code outside on a sunday where all the bugs try to eat you alive little that they know you have off on , then suddenly a house centepede cralled up my foot to my leg ;-;
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    @spongessuck indeed, it just was curious like all bugs just wanted to say hi and do you have food LOL they are at the top of the food chain in your house!!!!
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    If I had my way, I wouldn’t code any day of any week.
  • 3
    yeah maybe just not for work
  • 2
    I try not to.
    It’s healthier (at least for me) to have at least a day off with clear mind, so I avoid personal projects too.
  • 2
    im in college, so yeah. im pretty much coding or studying every day :c
  • 1
    Does midnight to 5am count?
  • 1
    On any day I just kinda run with whatever project I like at that time (eventually they all get finished anyway, most important ones usually first.. and the scroll of pending stuff is huge anyway so whatever). But during the weekend, that is also exactly what it is. Being able to work on anything from anywhere is already bad enough for work / private life separation, so the weekends are usually reserved for chilling out. Granted if it tickles my bits, I guess a weekend day is as good as any other to continue on this or that project.
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    coding at night is the best, while listening to some music or in the morning!!, sometimes at the dinner table
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    Work for six days and REST on Sundays 😋
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