I randomly found this oddly familiar image today on the internet. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿคจ @trogus

  • 14
    Provide the link if you suspect theft.
  • 16
    Link or it didn’t happen.

    Also the guy on the Right is retarded, he blends his co-workers ffs
  • 18
    Not theft. Just a subtle way of making a swastika.
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    If I recall correctly that was pretty old and Tim was also aware of that.

    And I guess a simple image search will give you a lot of links.
  • 19
    Us navy built this lovely base in san diego
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    @SortOfTested Drink some old Carlsberg :)
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    I recall David and Tim mentioning somewhere that they had bought something of this style and used it to make the artstyle for devRant.
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    The guy on the right is having so much fun staring in awe at the cute blonde while shining his light at her so he can see more and the woman in the top middle looks like she’s about to flip out at him
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    If I see a swastika in India, I'm liable to be less offended and apply context. When it's used by white people, it's 100% neo-naziism/cryptofascism.

    And even so, hitler isn't *not* popular amongst the BJP for exactly what he represents.
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    No one here is advocating for the killing of anyone, and you wouldn't be shot for having the tattoo.

    That said, the fact that there's no public outcry in India of the very public, very positive use of imagery associated with and of a man whose regime killed numerous people in my family, and millions of others, means I can't conclude that an indian with a swastika tattoo doesn't embrace nazi ideology.

    So, sorry the actions of your countrymen reflect negatively upon you. I know that feeling!
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    @SortOfTested nazis killed some members of my family too but what you said is straight up racist because you judge what can be used and what can’t based on race
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    How is avoiding someone due to the presence of a swastika tattoo racist? ๐Ÿฟ
  • 3
    @SortOfTested I know nazis almost completely obliterated the original perceived meaning of swastika, especially in western culture. But swastika doesn’t always mean nazi and you know it
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    I've already covered all those details for anyone who wants to actually ready what I wrote.
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    @beleg that "simple image search" on Google became unnecessarily stupid over time. Instead of searching by image itself, like in good ol' times, their pointlessly flexing AI assumes the text query to search by.
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    @vintprox yes it's useless most of the times. But for this specific image, I just did that before I comment and it worked.
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    @SortOfTested well it’s only geometric shape. If we ignore it’s meaning it will lose its power.
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    I live somewhere that allows the ideology to march in the street, and places where people embracing that ideology are openly subversive antisocial elements. I don't have the luxury to do that, I'm glad you do.
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    @SortOfTested just use a common sense and think why would he (one who should not be named) hated in India?
    Indians don't relate them with what happened in ww2. We hated Britisher and that guy was against them. We were forced to fight. My people were also killed in fight that was not ours. Nobody like hitler here but at same nobody care about him either(so no hate). You can think most Indians as neutrals in respect of what happen in Germany. And searching article to suit your side is not good either. Anybody can find article related to any topic these day specially in India, which is having population of 1.8 billion and everybody have right to put there thought.

    And I think you should really move from the past. You keep loosing control easily on any thing small as this post.

    You are already a respected and oldest member here on devRant. Even i have respect for the time you spent in IT field. But mam seriously, you should work on your tolerance part.
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    It's not the past for us. People here are still promoting it. Maybe you should think about what you allow.
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    @SortOfTested and do you think it will stop in future?
    Suppose tomorrow every person starts to hate that guy. Just because everybody will be hating guy, someone will start supporting him. And then people will follow.

    But why to loose cool over something that happened in past? Just think how many Indians were killed, tortured by Britishers. Should we start loosing ourselves on them?
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    I never said anything about indians until you guys brought it up, I commented on european/euro-centric abuses and floyd changed the subject. Not everything is about you.
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    @SortOfTested sorry to bring Indians as a. Example. My question is why you loose control over such a small small issues? And I have seen it many times.
    Again me asking this doesn't mean you have to stop it. It's your right to have your thought and express here. After all its a dev rant. Anybody can rant about anyone.
    But I seriously want you to look once into this one, just ask your self, do you wanna loose your peace over such words on internet.

    You are way senior that me(your experience is more than my age}). You have better understanding than me as well. But please look into this one. And if I have hurted you through any of my statements, please forgive me by considering me as your junior.
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    It is hurtful and I will explain why.

    There is a difference between colonial abuses and a genocidal campaign to wipe every last person of your genetic heritage from existence "for the betterment of mankind." They're both terrible, but one is objectively next level.

    It's not an abstract for me. People I loved and knew were in those camps. I saw the result of the mutilation that was done to them.

    It's also not in the past for me; 30 years ago, it was still easy for someone to get away with burning down a synagogue or someone's house if they were jewish (or black, or gay, or any of the other things Nazis hate). Those people are still here, their children are still embracing that mindset, and still actively working to diminish, attack and legally restrict us. I had to deal with their skinhead children when I was in school. I've had to make the decision of whether or not to hide my ethnic identity to fly under their radar.

    So when someone says I shouldn't be wary when I see that imagery, I get a little miffed.
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    @Frederick I agree with you. She have all the right to be protective. And she should. That's a smart people characteristic.
    Buy loosing peace over some word on devRant, where developers say many thing to ease up the frustration(whether it's racist or whatever) and not once and too when you are a respected member, followed by many, doesn't seems good to me ( when I say me, means me only)
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    @SortOfTested I agree mam. When I read about what happened and what was done and I also saw the photographs of how shoes were auctioned and all, I literally had tears in my eyes.

    But at the same time, it makes me sad that you already went through that much pain, and you are attaching that pain with yourself at that level, that you feeling the same pain here over something that wasn't meant to be in that way.

    I am not saying to let it go, why would you. In Hindi there is a idom"doodh ka jala chaach v Fook Fook k peeta hai". But don't let that thing control you.

    Editing; in English that idom is : once bitten twice shy
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    We're good, there's nothing wrong with spirited debate and cultural exchange. Other than maybe the need to apologize to OP for derailing the thread.
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    @F1973 Are you Falun Gong? The main symbol for the religion is pretty swastika covered. They picked this logo in the 1990’s.
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    @F1973 Interesting. I knew a guy that became a Jain. I think he basically used the religion to develop an eating disorder. He was always worried about the microorganisms.
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    @F1973 He was at a point where he wouldn’t even drink water because he respected microorganisms and couldn’t find water treated the right way. One time he ended up in the hospital on a feeding tube after nearly dying of starvation in his apartment. He was upset that they put a bunch of sugar into his vein to bring him back to life and demanded they remove the IV because for all he knew the sugar was purified with bonemeal, or the sugar came from sugar-beets which grow under ground. (most sugar in Canada) He was starving in a hospital and begging doctors to remove the sugar bag that was preventing him from starving. The rest of us couldn’t tell if he was extremely religiously devout or had a life threatening mental disorder. It was sort of a toss up.
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    @F1973 Is Jainism geographically linked? For example someone in Inuvik couldn’t survive without food from the ocean. So would their expected action to move somewhere that supports it?
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    @SortOfTested serious question, how old are you? Are you talking about the German camps?
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    I got my undergrad 20+ years ago. I'm not the oldest one here, but I'm not far off it either.
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