
Which one are you???

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    @Grundeir you made my day 😂
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    I tried the first one for a long time. But it just kills a lot of space. so I moved it down.
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    Second. Big, not-so-handsome box doesnt need to kill my space.
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    My case is just to big for me to keep it on desk. That said, my next build will definately be something small enough to be kept on table. Also my current rig generates buttload of heat.
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    Second, because it's a pretty huge case and it kills so much space
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    I have two under, one on top
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    Ive got mine out of sight with 5 meter HDMI and DisplayPort cables, Bluetooth peripherals, because I hate noise.
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    @Grundeir guess what, I do keep my laptop under the desk.
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    My Mac mini is small enough, I don't mind it on my desk. My Win PC is mounted to the wall about 150mm below my desk, I made sure to leave 5mm on the wall side for airflow.
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    Always scared of flooding...
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    @nwestfall You are aware that water could also cause a power surge and fry your machine's internals, right? ;)
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    @gnaaah I keep my APC on the desk too:)
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    @nwestfall I didn't know I had this fear.

    Now I have it.

    Thank (fork) you
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    Well the first cause i have an iMac lol
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    What animal puts a tower on top of their desk?
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    Tried second, with my computer to the right of the right table leg. Within two weeks, my roommate "accidentally" spilled water over my table. My computer fried because water went through the air vents on top of my case. My Asus motherboard and graphics card died that day. Nevertheless, my computer sits horizontally at the back right of my desk, facing outward now.
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    Been second for most of my life, until recently when I switched because the desk is weird and has no space for the box. I kinda like it though, but it does kill a lot of space
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    Neither. I value both desk space and legroom. It goes on the floor beside the desk.
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    First one! Has a neat window looking into the case, so it's nice to look inside and see that sick wire management
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    @LucaScorpion exactly the reason I want to go with MiniITX or ATX next build
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    First because I don't want to clean the dust out every week
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