
Time to figure out how to code with one hand.

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    Lucky the code thst i have to debug now i wish i had an excuse not to code. But you know job is job...
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    @thmnmlst Yep. Ran my snowboard a bit too fast. :P Just glad I'm not in more pain hehe.
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    Split keyboards maybe? Are they going to immobilize your entire arm? I would be more worried about going to the bathroom than coding haha
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    @missionearth Should be fine with surgery and some time. ^^ Just gotta try to keep up with school meanwhile hehe. Studying CS.
  • 18
    That's not broken. It's shattered.
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    @ch0s3n lol i can think off your arm being broken but ur hand not
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    @DatNewDev hahah maybe if I attach a keyboard to my belly.
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    Shit that's a pretty bad injury. I'm sorry. You have to undergo a bone surgery? Wish you all the best in recovering fast. But you got some awesome spirit bro. Keep it up. 👍
  • -1
    it seems fake 😦
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    Not one joke about already being able to type well with one hand?

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    Clap on shoul... top off the head, carefully... from me.
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    I hope you get well soon :/
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    Have you tried crtl + Z to see if it fixes your issue?
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    @faisalhakim47 you got me. My one-handed typing is already pretty decent. The arm and the pain is very real though.
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    You should try one of those ergonomic keyboards you can split in two or three.

    Hope your recovery will be fast! Happy holidays 👊🏻
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    Looks like you're in need of a defrag! Wishing you a swift recovery my coding comrade
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    Holy shiz your bone is shattered. It looks like it was under a hydraulic press 😲
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    Update: Just had surgery and all went well. Will however have some explaining to do in airport security from now on for metal parts. Will be a few weeks before I can put my arm in a positron for coding though I think.
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    @ch0s3n I for one am anxious to find out how you like putting your arm in a positron 😆😉
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    @ch0s3n in all seriousness though, that is one nasty bit of damage and I hope you're able to recover well.
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    @garrettw Hahah I'm curious about that too. Found a good use for the swipe function on my phone keyboard. But ofc it's not always perfect and devrant only allows editing the first 5 minutes it seems. :P
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    @thmnmlst nice of you to check up on me. ^^ Been 5 days since I had surgery now. Got some metal in there to support the broken bits. Hurt like hell the first like 2 days after surgery but starting to get better now. Painkillers and physiotherapy for now and if all goes well I should make a full recovery in a few months. :)
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    I've seen that kind of injury before. Don't overdo coding in emacs. Switch to Vim 😜
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    @thmnmlst finally doesn't hurt anymore. ^^ Starting to regain some mobility and muscles and putting my left hand up on the keyboard for shorter periods of time at least. :)
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