
What do you guys think about TypeScript? Does it worth time to learn the syntax? Also what is the relation between Angular 2 and TypeScript?

  • 3
    The syntax is pretty straight forward. Mostly it's es6 with types. In my opinion worth it. Especially in larger project with many data types it makes live much easier!
  • 1
    You should definitely try it. If you're familiar with C#, you're half way there. A good part of Angular 2 is written in Typescript.
  • 1
    Worth it. Jump directly into typescript@2 though! I like its strong typechecks, esp. with `strictNullChecks` and `noImplicitAny` set to true in my `tsconfig`. I just wished more checks would also be applied at runtime and not only at compile time, yet I currently prefer TypeScript over JavaScript anyday. Just be sure to transpile into a different `outdir` to not get confused by all the *.ts, *.js, and *.js.map files mundled together. And for a lib's typings management rather use npm and the definitly types `@types/{packageName}` packages instead of typings.
  • 3
    One day when you will find a bug in your JavaScript that took u days, you'll regret not using Typescript.

    Speaking from experience.
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