Someone please shoot me right now.Or better a blackhole could just collide with earth right now and annihilate everyone and everything!
We are supposed to launch the app this coming Friday and as of Monday this week everything was OK.
Just yesterday this client came up with dozens of changes that demand a major rewrite of the backend.

The thing with this client is that she doesn't realize I deal with the mobile apps and not the APIs.Right now am headed to the management office to explain why the app is not updated after she sent this email today morning.
This is not the first time she has demanded changes a week to the launch and i feel like i should stand up to her but you know, i have bills to pay.

  • 9
    Maybe you should tell her the problem and how things actually work.
  • 0
    Sounds like a Deja Vu.
  • 6
    Someone call the Vogons.
  • 1
    Serenity Now!
  • 1
    Dang, I would definitely had told her that mobile publication and major changes do not happen in a week :(

    Just be honest at the meeting. If your boss will understand, he's a good boss otherwise you deserve better.
  • 1
    I'm a freelancer and I always take a list of features from the client before I start working and a contract that only minor changes will be entertained.
  • 1

    You're welcome.
  • 0
    Planning to deploy on a Friday. Be prepared to work the weekend!
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