
Feel like a god!

I've made an API service that returns a list of countries based on a temperature range that they will have within the next 10 days for spur of the moment holidays.

It even finds you the cheapest possible flight ticket from your location to it.

So many nights were spent raging since I had never touched node js until 9 weeks ago and I have other huge pieces of work on the burner.

Once it's finished and works properly, how does one market such a service?

  • 8
    My guess : Build an ios app and promote it to rich kids. Rich to afford flights, kids because they have time and can probably easily plan a trip in the next 10 days
  • 0
    @craig939393 are you also on imgur? I saw someone recently describe something similar asking for possible names
  • 3
    One does not simply target rich kids. You keep saying spur of the moment, but that's a small market and your api is more useful than that. You want adoption from a cheap travel market.

    Spontaneous couples, middle class working individuals that never get the two weeks off they prefer due to seniority and always have to settle.

    Probably best marketed as an app.

    You get the idea. Congrats on the api. Good luck.
  • 3
    @dewguzzler imgur? One of us!one of us!
  • 1
    Build a website that offers this service. Maybe?
  • 1
    Find the right Youtuber to promote it.
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    @dewguzzler nah but I did post about it on here a few times over the last month
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    @craig939393 you better keep that shit on a tight lock, someone could steal it and then you'd washed up on money you never get. Get a good license
  • 2
    @tisaconundrum that's too much, maybe see how the app or website is doing and then decide to make it a business. Ideas might be getting stolen, but it's really hard to implement it into a working product people actually use.
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