I hate React.js with a fucking passion. It sounds great on paper, but once your project gets any size. The mental recursive loops of passing data around is insane. Not to mention keeping consistency a cross metric shit ton of components. How do you manage it?

  • 17
    To add any functionality I have to do changes in at least 8 files and components consistently need to be rewritten. It is such a pain to write trivial shit over and over, because it is the React way. I am so triggered.
  • 4
    @Letmecode Yeah, I got Redux, but there are too many components that have way too many states and child components. Too many edge cases. Always passing props.
  • 10
    and the day you master it, a new out of the box, fresh and hip library will be released and this rant will repeat itself 😂😂😂,
  • 1
    check out redux!
  • 3
    Thanks for the heads up, sticking to express and sails
  • 7
    React is to be used in projects that need it. Otherwise it is Hype Driven Development :)
  • 1
    Any feature rich app becomes complex. Does not matter if you use vanilla js or a framework.

    Btw if you need 8 new files for a new functionality, maybe you should revisit your approach.
  • 0
    @AlexDeLarge sounds like he did and the problem is there actually. React unfortunately gets a lot of bad rep because of redux. Immutable and mobx are nice though, still waiting for a middle ground.
  • 8
    I do Angular, JQuery, Ajax, JavaScript, Razor, Node, Express and now I'm starting to learn React. Have to say that I am finding it a hot mess to jump into. All this state management crap with Redux and MobX the main problem. We've been maintaining state in every language since COBOL some thirty years ago. Not a problem. Can't find a single React-TypeScript-MobX tutorial or github that is not broken due to library changes. So why would i spend money on a book that probably has code that doesn't work anymore? Its a hot mess. Glad there is Angular.
  • 10
    Repeat after me :
    I will not write HTML within JavaScript
    I will not write HTML within JavaScript
    I will not write HTML within JavaScript

    (and I know it's JSX, don't get me wrong, the idea is still shit to me). Angular's separation of concerns is way better to me.
  • 12
    React is for lazy and/or bad programmers. It is popular because most programmers are bad and/or lazy! That is perhaps harsh, but it is also true.

    A framework solves nothing, it is just a simplified wrapper which restricts functionality of lower level code — in this case Javascript, CSS, HTML.

    Bootstrap, Angular, React and even jQuery ... are all dire because the restrictions they impose result in more complexity in trying to break those restriction, even in simple ways.

    An exception is Three.js which is a wrapper for the 3D context of canvas. 3D programming is so complex in WebGL that a high-level wrapper for basic routines allows functionality for people who aren't wizards in 3D mathematics.

    But the above proves my initial point — "a person incapable of WebGL would use Three.js."

    However, javascript is not hyper-complex, it is not 3D maths, the contrary, it is the basic language we should be coding.

    A developer who uses React is one step away from a Wordpress blogger.
  • 1
    @mclayoz Thank you for saying it
  • 3
    I hate React with more passion than you
  • 3
    I was thinking of learning React because I keep seeing it pop up everywhere, but I met a react fanboy douche interviewer. I took a bloodoath to never learn that shit.
  • 2
    I see some recommendations to try redux. Redux and Abramov are fucking terrible.
  • 3
    React is the epitome of what's wrong with all front-end development these days, a tornado of libraries, driven by hype, and every-time you complain about anything, some asshole will just recommend another library for you.
  • 4
    @crazybaboon Hey man, don't compare the steaming pile of React framework to Three.js.

    For those fanbois who keep repeating "React is library not a framework": Library is something your code calls. Framework is something that calls your code. React is definitely a framework.

    Libraries are fine. Even jQuery, being a library we can easily take it out and swap it for fast, clean, vanilla js. But if you have an app written for React framework, it's a re-write to convert to be vanilla.
  • 3
    React by no means is the most Garbage shit I have ever came across period! I am actually an Android Developer, I am quite fluent with Angular as well. Because of my work, I had to work with two react js projects. And gotta say man, its fucking Garbage! The code looks like pile of shit! So called JSX "Actually it is fucking html lol" wrapped around with javascript I mean seriously? I do not use Angular unless I have plan to create my own apps, but, Angular is far far better than this dumb as react js! Stay away from this shit man! Happy coding :)
  • 3
    Finally, other people who also hates Reactjs! So many people talking about how great it is and when I tried it out I thought they had all been pranking me ... still, after giving it more time and work, my opinion hasn't changed, just got more confirmed that it is the messiest _blank_ ever...
  • 2
  • 1
    @juniayulia speak it brother, speak
  • 4
    I'm sick of React. As a web dev, I don't like HTML in JS. Started using Svelte sometime ago and I can say there is still hope.
  • 3
    HTML is NOT meant to be written in Javascript. It's exactly the other way around. I FUCKING HATE REACT, WITH A PASSION!
  • 1
    Also, React reacts slower than static HTML.
  • 1
    Some react JS sites also annoyingly use randomized CSS class names, like Twitter Web App. Thankfully, others like the video platform Odysee do not.
  • 1
    I'm new to development. I'm doing a full stack course of codecademy. All was fine until i got to the 'react' module. I felt this is ridiculous, i'm using all the languages i've just learned, then re hashing them into something more complicated.

    Thank you @crazyBaboon. I've copied and pasted your post in a text file. And whenever i feel like this is all getting on top of me, i'm going to read it and do things the right way.
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