
Reached 1 kilobyte :)

  • 2
    You're already 24 over a kilobyte. But congrats on the kibibyte
  • 1
    @SZenC a true kilobyte is 1024 bytes....
  • 2
    @snypenet Actually he is right... Kilo is 1000 Kibi is 1024... So i was at a kibibyte
  • 0
    @Redo a metric kilo is 1000 but a binary kilo is 1024. Marketing people like to use 1000 because many people don't know there is a difference.
  • 3
    @snypenet, a binary kilo (or a kilo in binary) is a kibi. So a kilo is 1000, a kibi is 1024.
  • 1
    @SZenC awe I see, I never saw it written like that. Even when I had professors talk about binary kilo they never wrote it as kilbi lol nice. That's confusing
  • 1
    A lot of people confuse kibibytes with kilobytes, actually most people never heard of kibibytes.

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