
Thank you osx for deciding to restart, without any fucking warning whatsoever, while I was in the middle of fucking coding. I had a bunch of tabs open, terminal windows, spotify, vs code, etc. I was in a flow. Suddenly all my open programs start closing and I'm thinking "what the fuck, is my laptop crashing???" Nope. I remembered hitting "try again in an hour" on that fucking notification about installing updates or what-not, but in the past that has always meant I'm just reminded again and asked if I want to restart. Not this time... fucking idiot devs at Apple that allowed this shit... fuck you.

  • 11
    Soooo... someone want to tell me how Mac updates are better then Windows Updates?
  • 3
    Got what you paid for
  • 3
    Everyone rants and raves about how amazing Mac UI/UX is but then why does it take me (who never used a Mac before) and my whole family 6 hours to figure out how to move an audio file from one mac laptop to one iPhone so it can be listened to during someone's commute. Can't airdrop it (iPhone thinks it's a video and won't play it in music player). Can't sync itunes because no physical wire fits in both machines. You HAVE to install MULTIPLE third party apps to do such a simple task. Wow, great Mac UI/UX all hail thee
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  • 2
    Weird mine always asks
  • 1
    Windows or any Linux distro has a bug: it’s okay, there are fixes, yeees it’s like this sometimes but the os is good!
  • 0
    MacOS restarted on me too, but it warned me early enough that I had time to save my work and even rejoin a meeting from my phone so I wouldn't miss anything during the reboot.
  • 5
    @uyouthe well, years of bragging about osx superiority and security will make any error a much bigger deal.

  • 0
    @Voxera what about security though?
  • 0
    You have to at least acknowledge there is a certain amount of time commit where it crosses the line from being their fault due to shitty ui, to being your fault for not engineering around the problem. 😋
  • 2
    @SortOfTested Yeah that aggravated me more than anything, it was humbling me pretty hard. Apparently you can't even view what files stored on an iPhone! I wasn't prepared for that!
  • 2
    @uyouthe Well we have seen an increase of bugs as the segment grew.

    Apples rigorous guarding of appstore have had a huge impact in preventing many malicious programs but thats not so much the os security as a gated community and for completely external attacks windows have improved tremendously.

    Also apples control over hardware and therefore drivers also helps a lot, windows often was not the affected part but some 3:td party driver or program. Some was windows of cause ;)

    But historically Apples best defense was a small marketshare focused on creative people not financial that made macs less interesting to attackers.

    Sure there have been some.

    Also, many hackers did not use macs so it was more difficult to find vulnerabilities than on windows.

    Now when IOS is so much bigger and many attacks are driven by organizations getting any hardware is no problem.

    Just look at all the jail breaks over time, that was in many ways similar to many windows attacks.

    And the solution was hardware which for windows is a harder problem without control over the hardware.
  • 0
    @Voxera basically what you said is “apple is secure”
  • 0
    @uyouthe Linux is free and lets you change anything. Windows isn't free but the prices aren't outrageous, and also gets a lot of criticism. Apple is priced at 2-3 non-apple machines of similar specs, and they promise UX and security in exchange for that money. Expectations are high because Apple set them high with the price tag, not because of some unjust bias.
  • 0
    @Lor-inc every apple bashing I see is always about the money. If you think it’s overpriced don’t fucking buy it goddamit
  • 2
    @justamuslimguy iPhones are not smartphones, they are just glorified feature phones. Lacking a file manager verifies that.
  • 1
    @electrineer Newest iOS version has a file manager ;)
  • 0
    @uyouthe I like to believe that macOS' security is good. The moment we can make reproducible builds and let any security engineer check out the source code, I might consider it relatively secure if that can be proven.
  • 1
    @uyouthe I'm thinking the other way around because non-experts who can't read spec sheets think that way. It isn't overpriced for its performance, it underperforms its price range.
  • 0
    @Lor-inc so what?
  • 0
    @uyouthe So we rant about it, and our ranting is reasonable.
  • 1
    @uyouthe You had a problem with double standards when judging products. I argued that they promise better quality with the price tag. "Just don't buy it" isn't a contraargument to that.
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    @uyouthe On the internet you have the option to just not reply and no one will judge you. I don't get why people keep replying irrelevant things just to have the final word.
  • 1
    @uyouthe Well, I think you're allowed to rant about the price.
    And I do find the price ridiculous. My second hand android device has about the same performance (or maybe even better) than most iPhone's I have seen and it cost me... 70ish euro?

    But except for that, why'd I spend more than 1K on a device which is advertised as privacy friendly while its mostly a black box? And why'd I purchase this from a company which actually is integrated within at least one government powered mass surveillance network/engine/program?
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    @Lor-inc I’m just interested why do people hate on apple only because it’s too expensive for its functionality
  • 0
    @uyouthe Because that's their entire purpose and reason to occupy resources and destroy the climate. To provide functionality in exchange for money. If they do it badly then they're wasting all that capacity.
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    @Lor-inc but when I needed my laptop to have a 2k screen and be less than a kilo in weight, I found nothing but MacBook 12. And I love the design and ready to pay for it. This alone makes all that potential not wasted because there is value, not measured in specs though. Give me that design and that force touch trackpad but all this not made by apple and i probably switch
  • 1
    @uyouthe fuck OSes overall, we need punch cards
  • 1
    @Jilano ok, I'll start with myself.

    *Cuphead's Knock-Out! SFX*
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    @uyouthe I have to admit that their hardware really is very good.
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    @Lor-inc and here’s why you’re kiki. Boubas won’t admit the obvious
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    @Jilano Might be so, but whatever it is that sets them apart, MBP-s are outstandingly durable.
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    @uyouthe not exactly, but Apple has managed to use circumstances to project that their OS is secure.

    If you take their whole eco system yes, together and today its probably more secure, but at s price, both in money and in freedom.

    But the expectation that the OS is safe makes any vulnerability found much more of a news than bugs in windows or linux.
  • 1
    @Lor-inc watching Louis Rossman repair the failed ones might convince you otherwise
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    @electrineer Rossman exaggerate too much though
  • 1
    @hardfault yeah I'm not the biggest fan of his rambling style, but I respect his openness and knowledge. Their products regularly have design flaws and the dysfunctional service chain doesn't help.
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