I'm so fucking sick of the lack of great modern open source DB tooling.

MySQL Workbench can go suck a big fat herpes-ridden cock, it's horrible.

Dbeaver is a clunky 90's tool, which charges two Netflixes (yes, that is a valid $/month monetary unit) just to connect to a NoSQL DB.

Datagrip is nice, but has the same outrageously expensive pricing. I paid for it, and couldn't use it for my local docker DB during my holiday because it couldn't connect to the license server. Fuck you, Jetbrains. Your software is nice, but your DRM makes me hate you.

And then ERD software... It's either some hard-to-use afterthought piece of crap bundled with the DB IDE, some generic diagramming tool which makes DB-specific work needlessly unergonomic, or some vendor-locked online tool.

Fuck this shit, I'm making my own DB admin tool. With blackjack. And hookers. 😡

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    I can help you with that :)
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    The DB guys at work use Azure Data Studio (which probably only supports SQL Server and the Azure DB stuff though), but seems like its a nice, modern alternative.

    It is open source, so maaaybe someone have forked off something that supports other DB engines?
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    @theuser Yeah one of the issues is that I have to manage MySql, Postgres, Google Bigquery, Redis, Neo4j & InfluxDB servers.

    For all of those I keep my queries, both often-used ones and adhoc repair stuff for history purposes, in a repo. For all of those it's nice to have schema-aware autocomplete & highlights, easy import/export for various common formats, etc.

    I think I'm just going to spend a few weekends attempting to improve VSCode plugins to an acceptable level, so I can ditch the paid software.
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    @IHateForALiving That's Widows only, right?
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    @bittersweet yes, but maybe it works with Wine. I'd give it a shot
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    Please inform me if you launch it.
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    Just use the CLI :p .
    I worked with MongoDB Compass before, I kind of liked its ease of use, and relative responsiveness
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    @webketje pffff command line, who do you think I am? Some kind of nerd? I need my clickies!

    Seriously though, I don't mind CLI, but I don't see JavaScript devs editing their scripts using AWK, so why should I write SQL without the joys of a good editor?
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    Navicat Premium? Its expensive but you can get a perpetual license (even less if you choose non-commercial wink wink). Great tooling and fast.
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    @IHateForALiving it works on wine. But it's not officially supported.
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    I like dbeaver.

    It isn't perfect, but one of the best imho.
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