
Every Windows update be like:

Please reconsider using Edge over _, it has Webkit now!

Please reconsider reenabling Cortana.

Please reconsider using Bing.

Please reconsider reenabling sharing all metrics with us.

  • 24
    I clicked a link through some windows menu the other night and obviously it opened in edge but it also PINNED EDGE TO THE TASKBAR. I felt violated, ngl. Who does that? Opening a browser makes it pin it to the task bar? Absolute atrocity. In that moment I vowed never to use edge again (not like I was going to anyway)
  • 3
    @F1973 I removed chrome, so no idea 🤷‍♂️

    As for me, Cortona just freezes and closes when it shows "listening" so can't tell you what it's like to use that thing.

    Edge has never asked me to revert back to bing, I use DDG.
  • 1
    Eh? Nothing like that ever occured to me.
  • 0
    @F1973 Edge does support bookmark sync though?
  • 0
    @F1973 there's no cross browser sync in any modern browser. every native sync is implemented only for that browser (Firefox for Firefox, Chrome for Chrome and so on)
  • 0
    @F1973 why not?

    I'm using Firefox in the same manner and it's not tied to Google account
  • 0
    @F1973 using firefox sync 🤷‍♂️
  • 0
    @F1973 considering they've added a separate password manager as well, Firefox infrastructure is pretty nice for me.
  • 3
    @Ubbe Windows is a bundleware launcher required by many games.
  • 1
    In all honesty, I do use edge when I need to test some intensive JavaScript that may lock my browser... that way, I can still use my Firefox as normal :^)
  • 0
    Every Windows 10 update be like "You're still onboard this train wreck? Well here's some more barbed wire in your ass!"
  • 0
    @bittersweet yeah but like... not anymore?
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop my favorite example is "WSL2 is out and it's gonna kill Li- oh they broke it already." https://bleepingcomputer.com/news/...

    Windows isn't stable anymore, pretty much at all, and considering even most games work on Linux now... no reason not to bail. Win10 can be virtualized if you absolutely need it. There's no excuse not to switch anymore.
  • 1
    @bittersweet the picture on my last comment didn't upload, apparently. These numbers go up and down some, but still, they're hovering around 80% general Steam game compatibility at "it runs perfectly, but you may need to poke it a little first" and up. If you drop your standards to "i mean there's some small issues but for the most part everything's OK and it's playable" that percentage shoots way further up, too.
  • 3
    @Parzi Haha yeah the WSL fuckup was funny.

    It's also no wonder why this shit is happening if you look at it from a business perspective. MS doesn't want to be the Windows company anymore because it bleeds them money, and their profit comes e.g. from Azure.

    That's why they laid off the Windows QA team (cost reduction) and pulled out the more experienced Windows devs to more profitable products. It will only get worse over time.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop I thought they hired a new QA team??? Wait, do they not have ANY QA???
  • 1
    @Parzi They laid off around 140 people with no replacement, though not the whole QA of course. The big changes are:

    1) Mostly tests with VMs instead of real HW. That will only catch bugs that would impact all users, which is why so many Windows updates go wrong but not for all users.

    2) The "Windows insider" testers are not professional testers, but voluntary folks. They test what they care about in their workflows, but not more.

    Btw., the strange "this Windows update isn't compatible with your computer" although it should be means that the update has already bitten enough users with your HW config, but MS has no idea why, so they try to limit the damage. That's "nice" unless you have been among the unlucky first users.

    MS also relies heavily on telemetry crash reports - but they are useless if the actual bug is in another process, or if it doesn't crash, but produces wrong results. So the MS devs have to debug blindly and introduce even more bugs.
  • 2
    @Parzi Dude if you can overcome the little inconveniences here and there go ahead. I'm full on linux and it is a little annoying for somethings to actually work
  • 2
    Ah, that good old times. I love windows rants. I feel alive again. Sometimes I take my younger brother’s laptop just to click around and feel this again. Windows.
  • 1
    @C0D4 seems like your cortana experience is on point.
  • 0
    To be honest I have delayed windows update for 2,5 years because of this shit. Finally I had to do it because docket desktop wouldn't work. After the update my PC wouldn't boot...
  • 0
    @dontbeevil your whole life is some bullshit to get some ++. If not from others then from yourself
  • 0
    @Ubbe I'm not sure, I think it's some kind of linux distro that is actually malware, because it messes up your partitions and tracks you. One good thing about it is that it can run Windows applications without using Wine, but that's it.
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