
A cliente needs a app for the smartphone to share 199 images with people who bougth his book. I tell him this type of app dont exists, and tell him the best way is to create a web page for this. He insists that there are these applications.

Can someone help me ?

  • 0
    @thmnmlst any ideias to change his mind?
  • 0
    @thmnmlst no problem! 😀
  • 1
    Could you elaborate a bit more? Because this is either stupidly simple or horribly contrived. If you can do it on a web page just use a web container.
  • 0
    Two apps. Zip the images then share via email after uploaded via google drive. sorry 3 apps
  • 8
    I just need a small loan of a thousand dollars and I can do it for you
  • 2
    Not really sure if I understand the situation here, but couldn't you just make a Google drive or Dropbox folder and share it as a link? Then make a readable bit.ly or something and print it in the book
  • 0
    @thmnmlst what does this sign means ??
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