
Okay, so basically.
I would like to learn programming and I'm not yet sure of what I should do.
You know hacking or become a web Dev or something to do with AI. I'm very interested in anything programming and I don't like what they teach me in college and I need a few suggestions of what are the languages that I need to learn to get really going.

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    Hacking, becoming a web dev, and learning about AI are three very very different fields.

    What don't you like about what they teach you in school? The best way to learn is to do, so find passion projects and just build them. Writers write, painters paint, so coders must Code.

    If you want to get into things that are more than applying coding knowledge and learning a language or something (like artificial intelligence, which requires you to actually do research on algorithms and techniques) then pick up a book in whatever format you want and get some knowledge from others.

    What are you interested in? Language recommendations "to get started" isn't helpful really, but just to throw a few out there Python is beginner friendly, same with Java and he syntax is more closely related to many other C like languages which is important.
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    Firstly, thank you for the reply.
    In school, I feel I'm not learning what I should be learning. You know.
    And yes that's a problem, I'm not able to decide to which one I must start with.
    Any idea on which languages to start with or maybe you would be able to suggest a few books?
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    @pacman if you're interested in making websites, a place a lot of people like to start, then get involved with some JavaScript. There are tons of free resources online for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript development. If you're not satisfied with what's online I know "JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development
    Book by Jon Duckett" is a good read.
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    Thanks a lot.
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    Maybe think what you would like to be doing if you cant think or decide
    Well then, check a little bit of the three options and see what you like more
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    @je11zi I read your comment 😂, first line... I'm all three of them "very different fields" so...
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    @FitzSuperUser I have experience in all of those fields as well. Doesn't mean they're not very different, especially for a beginner where the distinction would be larger.
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    @FitzSuperUser how are you all three?
    I mean what do I do now?
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    @Pacman mate your clearly young ... There is a lot to learn ... Just build sonething awesome

    Websites I would say copy some code and start modifying some stuff on codepen

    All you need is the basics so JavaScript is a good place to start ... Then look in c# a few weeks later .. then into c++ and you'll get a feeling for them at least

    But above all select the project you find interesting! Like it would be really cool to build... A game for example

    Then ... Your set ! You can decide the language you like most... And best of all it shouldn't then take to long to pick up other languages it's just syntax
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    It's not the only thing you will need to know, but Python covers parts of the three areas you named, so I'd say start with that.
    And this is my personal experience speaking, but hacking has a hobby is pretty boring, it's mostly just running metasploit plugins, scripts, nessus and packet sniffers, it's only interesting if you are a researcher.
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    @je11zi @Pacman

    He's right in saying I would not go into AI as a first project for a junior dev it's far to complex for a beginner (if you actually want to build sonething good)

    With hacking and web Dev... Being a web Dev will teach you how the internet works ...

    Fundamentals you can use in hacking , but hacking is more then that but it's easy enough to learn

    Realistically your stepping stones should be

    Basic website
    Advanced website
    Website penetration testing
    (Do not ddos that's pussy work )
    Learn about DNS ips protocols etc
    Build something with simple Ai

    Choose what you like first... Pursue that...
    Then gather more knowledge and in certain circumstances you can combine all these fields

    For me websites and apps is a way to afford to do the other two as I have side projects 😎😉
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