How many women work with you in Tech at your current job (with a STEM field)?

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    Hmm in the tech dpt i am it's 1/10 or sth like that. Shaaaameeeee
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    Currently, I work with ~50% women. Big change from most previous jobs where there were very few women (maybe 10:1 if I wasn't the only one), and none stayed. You can tell the culture of a place from that.
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    In my team it's like 30% women, and in a few months there'll be like 40%. It's really nice to be a mix of women and men in the team because it makes the general atmosphere better.
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    Went from 2w9m to 5w7m recently and I think everyone's better for it 👍

    Although there's been some bs political correctness that came with it 😒
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    QAs and product owners count as techs? If yes 4/14, if not 0...
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    1/16 on my current team. I'd estimate <10% of devs company-wide are women.

    I wish there were more of us.
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