Is it just me or people on devRant curse to much?.

  • 32
    It’s just you, you fucking asshole.
  • 9
    Side note: Well, it’s a place to rant, isn’t it? :)
  • 7
    Weeeeeell... We rant, and when someone rants... You know...
  • 1
  • 22
    I fucking curse how fucking much I fucking want
  • 1
    I think I’m just a noob at devRant
  • 14
    Grow the fuck up. It's just words.
  • 0
    Alright chill y’all its fine.
  • 0
    It’s ok man. After all, this is devrant
  • 11
    On top of the "rant" portion of devrant.com, there's also the "dev" part which neatly translates into bad social fitting. However, to hell with that shit.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop @Fast-Nop that makes so much sense
  • 9
    I don't give a fuck about that haha. I'll swear with whatever I want, also cursing God and such, as an atheist it doesn't matter any-goddamn-way
  • 15
    Not enough, honestly.
  • 8
    She's fucking right. ^
  • 2
    This rant is a certified bouba moment
  • 2
    @uyouthe you kiki so much you may tear yourself a new one some day soon!
  • 1
    @NoMad wat? I understand nothing
  • 2
    There is no such thing as too fucking much!
  • 2
    @uyouthe I meant, keep calm and carry on. πŸ˜›
  • 3
    why haven't you used the question category?

    for fuck's sake
  • 4
    My staff is primarily out of glasgow. Their national world is cunt. Turns out, it doesn't matter and you just have to deal with different cultures.
  • 1
    @SortOfTested They are from a cunt-“world” country?
  • 6
    It's pronounced "Scotland"
  • 4
    @Cyanide she had a typo most likely πŸ˜› it's probably "national word"
  • 2
    @NoMad Yep. I know. She didn’t get my joke (if it even was) so I didn’t continue further.
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  • 2
    why the fuck do you think like that mister?
  • 5
    πŸ€”this rant needs the Australian touch.

    Listen here you shit faced cunt, there's not enough fucking cursing going on around here to be worried about, it's not like shit has hit the fan and every fucking other word is "fuck", so fuck you, I'll curse like a motherfucker if I so want.

    Now, that that's out of the way, get your fucking ass down to the pub and well drink each other under the fucking table cunt and see who can't walk the fuck home tonight!

    🍻 πŸ™‚

    Ps: reread that slowly and not in an angry tone - it's just a casual chat here.
  • 3
    @C0D4 if you don't address every other human in your sentence with a range of adjectives ending in "fucking cunt" you're not doing Australian right. 😜
  • 3
  • 3
    @SortOfTested close, but this is more accurate.
    watch to the end.

    @NoMad should get a laugh out of this.

  • 2
    @C0D4 oh fuck those two! They're stuff for nightmares! Never understood the sick brain that decided to create them!
  • 4
    @NoMad I can take a guess, it's pretty accurate from where I grew up.
  • 4
    @C0D4 so all Aussies are a bunch of rednecks?
  • 4
    @iiii we call them bogan. And no, there are still higher socio-economic classes that won't be caught dead acting so low class. Plus, about a quarter of all our population is first or second generation of migrants (in Sydney, it reaches about half) and most of those migrants are educated (because we had a very good skilled migration system that we're trying to fuck up now by raising standards so high they're practically impossible) so no, not everyone there is bogan.
    Although, I personally haven't been there for years, so not sure if covid has turned everyone into halfwits.
  • 4
    That ironic moment when raising the bar nets you cheaper labor.
  • 3
    Everyone curses too much, it's just that on devRant we are allowed to do so in public
  • 5
    @iiii πŸ€”how did I miss that notif.
    Eh, ah @NoMad said, this is the lowest of commoners in low socioeconomic areas, sadly I grew up in these parts, I wasn't a city dweller for most of my life but no, this isn't how most civilised aussies act.

    But it is also the typical "stereotype" Australians seem to be represented as... bit like Indian devs being useless... 🀷‍♂️
  • 3
    I just assumed you were like us and filled the tourist traps with Paul hogan lookalikes so you could sell fake bola knives and hats with dog canine bands.
  • 3
    @SortOfTested not exactly. We have laws against that. But they've made it so ridiculous. Like they require English skills so high that only English college majors and higher would quality, but they want you to be an engineer or CS grad at the same time with many years of experience, be very healthy, have a lot of savings and no police records, and as well, be under 35-40. πŸ˜’
  • 3
    Better than here. The only people who can afford a masters or above in engineering are from other countries. Fewer and fewer postings say "undergrad or equivalent," and I've seen a few saying graduate degree preferred.

    Unfortunately you can game every system.
  • 2
    @SortOfTested if I learned anything from Germany, it's that the more you raise the bar, the more you lose the exceptions and the gems. I've came across extraordinary people here that wouldn't be easily accepted elsewhere.

    Another thing I've learned (unrelated to the discussion at hand) is that you don't have to police people super hard to have a safe society and policing people very hard just raises more criminals. And that fines should be adjusted with low socio-economic folks in mind. But US and Aus will never ever ever understand that. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 2
    @C0D4 "hello, this is tech support. My name is Radgesh." πŸ˜„

    But seriously, Indian English is pretty hard to understand even if the human is a good dev.
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