I can't find @unclesam

Did he delete his account?

He was a good ShitPoster

  • 1
    @F1973 who was that?
  • 3
    @F1973 I don't think he was a kid, It takes great wisdom to shitpost like that.
  • 11
    We did him a favor. If you're going to go for the guiness book record for longest single coherent shit, you need to be made of sterner stuff.
  • 15
    If he was an actual shitposter, I would be sad, but he just posted shit
  • 4
    Don't forget to bring a tarp. 👍
  • 1
    @Linux I read that and I enlightened
  • 0
    @F1973 Should'a called in the Bullyhunters
  • 5
    Btw look at who posted this rant about unclesam being missing. How ironic
  • 8
    @uyouthe I'm still convinced theabbie is a 200IQ troll
  • 1
    @uyouthe He was a good guy, I don't know who he is real life, but wherever he is, I hope he is fine
  • 9
    @F1973 sadly, the shit posting was good, then is went down hill and lost all meaning, I'm with @SortOfTested, if your going to do it, you got to do it right!

    * checks my ++ score as validation *
  • 5
    It started off vaguely funny, then went to random pointless or "trying to be offensive" rants like:

    "I am wobble"


    "I don't understand how a Christian can ever do programming as they have no logic"

    So yeah, I don't wish ill on the guy whatsoever, but I can't say his disappearance from the community is a huge loss either.
  • 4
    @AlmondSauce Yeah, He was an asshole, but he was our asshole

    Now he will shitpost in some other community and bitch about DevRant
  • 4
    @theabbie let him. Sounds like free advertising.
  • 1
    Did I miss something interesting
  • 0
    @scout Nope, just one of the ShitPoster went missing, but it turns out that nobody cares
  • 2
    He started to annoy me in his last posts.
  • 1
    What was his last rant
  • 1
    @scout About some pornstar I think. That kid was horny as hell.
  • 2
  • 4
    @AlmondSauce SO THAT'S THE ATHEIST DUDE I GAVE MY FIRST DOWN VOTE TO. Not a christian or atheist but that was just plane simple hate speech.

    To uncle sam 🥂, you were my first. I will never forget how sweet and tender that down vote felt.
  • 1
    @goneuncle IT'S UNCLE SAAAMMM. Well just like I misjudged your view don't you think it's easy to misjudge your view as well? If you're ranting, so can we. It's a dog eat dog world boy. Ease up kid.
  • 0
    @goneuncle now now uncle sam. No need to look down at under developed countries. But this is good, get it out of your system. That's what this platform is for right? Rant away. 🥞
  • 1
    he deleted himself again. welp...
  • 0
    @iiii just as his ability to rant was coming back again. You will be missed uncle sam. You will be missed.
  • 3
    Now it just looks like I was talking to myself. Amusing, very amusing indeed.
  • 1
    @boomgoat Yeah, it was that guy 😂
  • 2
    @AlmondSauce I had a short interaction with him, but it was an unforgettable interaction indeed.
  • 1
    @F1973 lol #UncleSamLivesMatter
  • 2
    @rooter He can't prove his identity, nobody knows who he is in real life, he was just a bad dream, forget him, unclesam never existed
  • 1
    @rooter I don't miss him, he kind of hated me, He posted a rant saying I made him angry, I feel guilty for his demise. If anyone knows him, tell him I am sorry.
  • 1
    @rooter yes I miss SukMikeHok too, he was a great shitposter
  • 0
    *Unrelated to this rant* @theabbie lol start criticizing his spelling.
  • 1
    @Bybit260 Fuck it, I know they are 14 year olds trying to act smart
  • 1
  • 2
    @cafecortado I hope he comes back :(
  • 0
    testing my bot NVM @tictactoe
  • 0
    Again testing, NVM @tictactoe
  • 0
    @F1973 I want to test it, there is no other way
  • 1
    @theabbie the rise of skynet
  • 0
    @boomgoat I don't have context to what you said
  • 1
    @theabbie there is no context.
  • 0
    @boomgoat This is an ambitious project, people can play tictactoe on boring rants
  • 1
    @theabbie 🤔 @tiktaktoe --x --top-left or something?
  • 0
    @C0D4 index of place where you want to place it, from 0 to 8 row wise, board will be made of emojis like this

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