Normal human: Visits web store -> orders for product -> leaves store.

Me: Visits web store -> Stares at header -> Stares at logo -> Check if colors match -> Scroll to footer -> Frowns at ads -> Scroll back up -> Multi click product item for debounce -> Fuck i clicked twice but it added the product thrice -> Closes tab -> Drives to local store -> Purchase product -> leaves store.

  • 13
    You forgot a few:
    • inspects JS domains
    • opts out of cookies despite using a throwaway tab container
    • inspects console output
    • inspects dom to identify JS framework
    • makes site width 100% instead of some stupid centered 1280px-only BS
    • tries adding -5 items to cart
    • tries adding “lizard” items to cart
    • removes tracking params from url because screw their marketing department for following me around
    • tries SQLi in coupon field
    • deletes css animations on annoying buttons
    • purchases elsewhere if the site is too annoying or tracky
  • 4
    @Root share us the dump of websites where injection worked on coupons
  • 6
    @asgs Those always get fixed quick 😂
  • 0
  • 3
    1. I visit their site
    2. It refuses to work with all my blockers of every bullshit thing they added
    3. I leave their site buying nothing from them
  • 4
    You forgot: start yelling about the UI making no fucking sense and start calling the designer all kinds of nasty things.
  • 0
    All of these things except the jail time.
  • 0
    @theKarlisK it was stonks until it was not stonks.
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