
People sending text documents in .doc format... what is fucking wrong with you?! Word has even had a build in .pdf converter for decades!?

  • 3
    Only reason for sending in doc format should be if you want the receiver to edit the content. But it's better than txt.,
  • 3
    True, but the pdf conversion fucks up all formulas, images and other stuff
  • 0
    And don't forget people use what's on their computer. They grow up using Microsoft products, that's their default tool
  • 5
    The only people that ask for .doc format are recruiters so it's easier for them to copy & paste into their crappy template. So I always send as PDF.
  • 1
    @chrisrhymes evil! And pdf without the text enabled I guess?
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    I always send two versions - pdf and doc
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    @Charmgoggles It does not. Use the "export to pdf" option and you are safe.
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    @peterpiggy Why would you send the .doc file?
  • 5
    My boss uses Word file to send me screenshots.
  • 3
    Okay I am an Ubuntu Libre guy so I know you can export into pdf in Libre office but from what I remember there isn't a built in pdf converter in Word. Or is there? Sorry I haven't used word in a while.
  • 1
    @linuxer oh you poor bastard, I feel sorry for you tbh
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    Now days even Windows has a build-in PDF "printer".
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    @varundey Word has multiple options for converting to PDF
  • 1
    @linuxer lol! My Boss uses Screenshots to send me Documents
  • 0
    @Lasse I did not know that. Thanks ✌️
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