
Jesus fucking christ, entering w3schools.com (don't ask) and I immediately get a cookie consent thing shoved in my face.

WHY?! Please don't tell me it's so I can get the 'best experience' because that's straight out bullshit. I don't need cookies and you fucking name it to get 'the best fucking experience' while looking up again how that one PHP or HTML or CSS or WHAT-THE-FUCK-EVER thing worked.

E-v-e-r-y GODDAMN site has this nowadays, to 'improve my experience' - I block ads anyways so what's the motherfucking point?!

Mother of FUCKING god.


  • 30
    Once I created a simple website for a customer. He wanted an image carousel at the top that rotates through a set of images every few seconds. So I did that and realized it's really annoying if it starts at the first picture every time you click on a link. So I wanted a way to store the current index client side so the user will see the same picture as before and if he stays long enough on that page, it rotates further. This actually was a better user experience, but I needed a stupid cookie for that.
  • 33
    @Forside But that's totally fine! Functional-required cookies don't even fall under the GDPR ruling so you wouldn't have to ask for consent :)
  • 35
    @linuxxx Oh that's good to know, because I never bothered adding a banner 😂
  • 9
    For my websites I don't fucking care. I have built company websites, but the customers are pretty much domestic. So technically they are probably out of compliance. We never consciously ever harvested data anyway.

    Its stupid to demonize a technology or method because someone can do bad things with it.
  • 4
    @molaram Oh no I very much appreciate tht I get options! (I probably voted for a party in favor of this) But, this just shows that the cookies this site uses are mostly for tracking and such and I hate that.
  • 8
    @zemaitis I don't think a doctor can do much about possible privacy rights infringement.
  • 5
    Thanks Europe 👍
  • 12
    @SortOfTested I'm actually happy with those prompts at some level! Because, this shows when sites are trying to fuck you over with bullshit-tracking and such. We get an option at least.
  • 1
    There are cookie pop up blockers this day that automatically check out as many bs as possible. Give it a try, it’s amazing
  • 4
    Assuming they're accurate, and any legislator is willing to take them to task over it.

    For the most part it's just toothless regulation that isn't broad enough and doesn't have clearly defined legal penalties.
  • 1
    @linuxxx dont weasel out of my point
  • 9
    @zemaitis You had a point?
  • 8
    @zemaitis My doctor would say swearing and expressing your opinion, and frustration is actually healthy behavior. Also screaming into a pillow is a good release of tension. Devrant is doctor approved.
  • 0
    @Root Isnt if obvious? Honestly doesnt large part of these rants seem ridiculous to you?
  • 7
    @zemaitis You are on a platform that has RANT in its name. What are you even expecting? If you want to be on a website without people raging, go to neopets or something
  • 2
    @Nanos Whenever you see this banner it's for third party ad stuff tracking you for targeted ads
  • 2
    They're useful in a given context. They have a more robust handling protocol than bearer tokens, but tend to be less convenient.

    Cookies can be marked as httponly and secure, which prevents them from being interrogated by the application, in particular js. The browser invisibly passes them around. Adding secure means they won't be transmitted without https.

    They have additional values as well to control handling behavior, including domain, path, samesite and session binding.
  • 1
    @zemaitis this is a rant platform. I felt the want/need to rant about this. You don't have to like the rant, though!
  • 0
    @Forside Although, that depends on the functionality as well. Like, if it's very privacy unfriendly you'd probably have to ask for consent anyways and stuff like Google analytics don't fall under website functionality either mostly
  • 0
    If someone were to use localStorage instead of cookies, would they still need the cookie consent popup?
  • 0
    @ReimarPB If it's not for site functionality (analytics isn't included mostly) and could be invasive as for privacy, I don't think officially but you'd lose some functionality regardless.

    Although I'm not sure if it's only about the cookies or just about data use consent
  • 1
    You know what's even worse, the disable adblocker or else you can't use our site fuckers 🤣🤣🤣 Little did these fuckers know I was a developer myself who goes into that site and with a few lines removes their little disable adblock shittttttttttttttttttt.
  • 0
    You don't need 'Third party cookies', All other cookies are necessary
  • 0
    One extension i use against it is called "I don't care about cookies".

    And for those whondon'tbwant tge cookies any, way there are addons that clear all cookies and local storage except for whitelisted sites.
  • 1
    @LinusCDE Oh yeah, I'm even writing an extension which fucks cookies over hard at blacklisted domains :)
  • 1
  • 0
    The problem is, these companies love tracking their visitor too much. I don't believe they are required to ask for your consent if the cookie is only intended to retain your session or UI related.
  • 2
    I think that a lot of people have such problem
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